This book contains a series of papers selected from the peer-reviewing process for STAIRS-08: the fourth European Starting Artificial Intelligence Researcher Symposium, an international meeting intended for AI researchers, from all countries, at the beginning of their career – PhD students or people holding a PhD for less than one year. STAIRS-08 is held in conjunction with ECAI, the European Conference on AI, and PAIS, the Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems, in Patras, Greece, on July 21st to 25th.
STAIRS is an opportunity for doctoral students and young post-doctoral AI fellows: an experience in submitting and presenting a paper to an international forum with a broad scope and a thorough selection process. It also represents an opportunity to gather knowledge and exchange ideas related to open research problems and novel approaches as well as to acquire information on European research careers and mobility.
A total of 40 papers were submitted from different countries. The areas of the submitted and accepted papers range from traditional AI areas to AI applications. Different topics are covered, such as Knowledge Representation, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Planning and Scheduling, Multi-Agent Systems, as well as Semantic Web, Data Clustering for diversified applications, E-learning and Robotics.
The papers in this book underwent a careful selection process carried out by the program committee members whom we kindly thank for their work. We also thank the ISTC-CNR, National Research Council of Italy, for sponsoring STAIRS and ECAI 2008 for its administration support, grants, and sponsorship.
June 2008
Amedeo Cesta and Nikos Fakotakis