Future of Health Leadership, Informatics and Policy
Gillian STRUDWICK (Corresponding Author: Gillian Strudwick RN, PhD, FAMIA, FCAN, gillian.strudwick@camh.ca), Karim KESHAVJEE, Abbas ZAVAR, Darren LARSEN, Tasnim AHMED GUREY, Nuzhat JAHIN
Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Abstract. The 2025 Future of Health Leadership, Informatics, and Policy (FHLIP) Conference is a premier event driving healthcare transformation through digital innovation, leadership, policy advocacy and interest holder engagement. The goal of FHLIP is to catalyze the development of proactive, innovative digital health solutions capable of addressing the healthcare sector’s contemporary challenges. This is done through knowledge exchange and networking opportunities at the conference in the form of an interactive panel, keynote speaker, peer reviewed paper presentations, laptop talks, round table discussions and time set aside for traditional networking. Attendees include patient and family representatives, policy makers, healthcare providers, technology vendors, researchers, academics, students and community leaders.
Keywords. Health informatics, nursing informatics, medical informatics, health leadership, health policy, artificial intelligence, digital health
1.1. Scientific Advisory Committee
A Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) was recruited to provide strategic guidance on key aspects of the conference, including developing criteria for reviewing submissions to the conference, discussing and advising on the agenda for the conference, brainstorming potential opening and closing speakers, and participating in discussions regarding shaping the theme for the 2026 conference. Gillian Strudwick served as the Chair of the SAC, leading its initiatives with expertise and vision. Nuzhat Jahin contributed to the organization and coordination of the SAC. The SAC was composed of researchers, clinicians, administrators, health system leaders, policy experts, patient/family members and educators. Members of the SAC include the following individuals: Wendy Nelson, Helen Edwards, Gillian Strudwick, Elizabeth Borycki, Raza Abidi, Ben King, Jennifer Tin, Abbas Zavar, Alireza Khatami, Angela Copeland, Christopher Sulway, Aviv Shachak, Shez Daya, Simon Ling, Darren Larsen, Helen Angus, Muhammad Mamdani, Peter Elkin, Masooma Hassan, Roya Farzan, Pooyeh Graili, Anita Lanning, Paula Oreklin, Diana Ermel, Maggie Keresteci, Razieh Poorandy.
1.2. Organizing Committee
The Organizing Committee played a pivotal role in ensuring the seamless planning, coordination, and execution of the event. Comprising a dynamic team of Master of Health Informatics (MHI) students, faculty members, and professional staff, this committee oversaw critical aspects of conference management. These responsibilities include logistics planning, venue selection, media coordination, technology support, food and beverage arrangements, and the overall facilitation of event workflows. For FHLIP 2025, the committee achieved a significant milestone by successfully engaging with external organizations to secure sponsorships. This marks the first time that the committee has garnered sponsorship specifically dedicated to supporting the conference’s reception event – a dedicated networking opportunity for attendees to connect with industry leaders. This achievement highlights the committee’s strategic outreach efforts, negotiation capabilities, and capacity to foster valuable partnerships. The committee operates with a program management approach, ensuring that every element of the conference—from logistical workflows to time-sensitive deliverables—is executed smoothly and on schedule. Members of the Organizing Committee include Karim Keshavjee (Conference Chair), Abbas Zavar (Executive Director), Darren Larsen (Organizing Chair), and Tasnim Ahmed Gurey (Organizing Coordinator).
2. Conclusion
With the current pressures within the healthcare system, and the potential for technology to support in the creation of solutions to these problems, there is no more important time than now to gather individuals and interest holders who can collectively make a difference in this space.