This book represents the proceedings from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's 2006 Advanced Research Workshop on “Policing Responses to Terrorist Operations.” This Nato Workshop was held in Washington D.C. on September 8–9, 2006, along-side of two complementary workshops on various aspects of terrorism organized on the general theme of “Understanding and Responding to Terrorism: A Multi-dimensional Approach.” The event was planned and organized by the Turkish Institute for Police Studies (TIPS) with the excellent support from NATO and the Turkish National Police.
At the workshop, distinguished participants from academia and law enforcement came together to discuss how to advance cooperation levels and to explore workable ways to counter terrorism. A total of 69 participants made presentations in twelve sessions.
The workshop was organized around three main topics:
1. Dynamics of effective international cooperation against terrorism: Facilitators and barriers;
2. Law enforcement response to terrorism in different countries and regions; and
3. Emergency management lessons for Homeland Security.
On the first topic on the role of international organizations, the barriers for cooperation and their solutions were explored. With respect to the second topic, participants explained their respective country's legislative efforts against terrorism, the level of terrorism threat they experience, and how law enforcement agencies fight terrorism in their respective states. The third topic included evaluations of the response and recovery operations that are implemented after terrorist attacks in order to enhance emergency management and homeland security policies and procedures as well as the integration of crisis and consequence management activities.
Following the classification of the workshop topics, the articles in this book have been categorized in five parts:
1. International Police Cooperation
2. National Approaches to Terrorism
3. Responding to Terrorism
4. Terrorism Emergency Management
5. Closing Remarks
We hope this book will be a useful source to better understand and respond to the terrorism threat. Many thanks to the TIPS members who provided enormous help in making the event successful and to all participants for their contributions. We are also grateful to the NATO Science Programme for funding the workshop and this publication and to the Turkish National Police for their great support.
Mathieu Deflem and Huseyin Durmaz, March 2007