This volume contains the papers presented at the 2013 Workshop on Radio Frequency Identification/Internet of Things Security (RFIDsec'13 Asia) held in Guangzhou, China on November 27, 2013. The workshop was co-hosted by South China Normal University and Jinan University. The General Chairs were Yingjiu Li, from Singapore Management University, and Yong Tang from South China Normal University.
RFIDsec'13 Asia is aligned with the RFID security workshop (RFIDsec) which addresses security and privacy issues in Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). Since its inception in 2005, RFIDsec has been organized as a series of workshops held in Graz (2005/06), Malaga (2007), Budapest (2008), Leuven (2009), Istanbul (2010), Amherst (2011), Nijmegen (2012) and Graz (2013). RFIDsec'13 Asia is the fifth edition of this series of workshops to be held in Asia, following RFIDsec'09 Asia in Taipei (2009), RFIDsec'10 Asia in Singapore (2010), RFIDsec'11 Asia in Wuxi (2011) and RFIDsec'12 Asia in Taipei (2012).
RFIDsec'13 Asia provides an international forum to address the fundamental issues in theory and practice related RFID/IoT technologies and applications. This year's excellent program consists of 10 high-quality papers, selected after a rigorous review process by both members of the Program Committee and external reviewers. Many interesting topics are covered, including RFID authentication, mutual authentication and ownership transfer, security of RFID applications, NFC and the Internet of Things, and side channel attacks. All RFIDsec'13 Asia papers are published by IOS Press in the Cryptology and Information Security Series.
RFIDsec'13 Asia was made possible thanks to the contributions of many individuals and organizations. First, we would like to thank all those authors who submitted their scientific papers. We would also like to thank the Program Committee members and external reviewers for reviewing and commenting on the submitted papers. Furthermore, we thank the Organization Committee for organizing this workshop. Last but not least, we are grateful to South China Normal University and Jinan University for hosting the workshop.
Changshe Ma and Jian Weng
November 2013