This volume contains the papers presented at the 2014 Workshop on RFID Security (RFIDsec'14 Asia) held in Hualien, Taiwan on November 27–28, 2014. The workshop was hosted by the Department of Information Management at National Dong Hwa University (NDHU) and the TaiWan Information Security Center (TWISC@NTUST) at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST). The General Chairs were Wei-Pang Yang, Tzong-Chen Wu and Robert H. Deng.
RFIDsec'14 Asia is aligned with the RFID security workshop (RFIDsec) which has been organized as a series of workshops held in Graz (2005/06), Malaga (2007), Budapest (2008), Leuven (2009), Istanbul (2010), Amherst (2011), Nijmegen (2012), Graz (2013) and Oxford (2014). RFIDsec'14 Asia is the sixth edition of the series of workshops held in Asia followed by RFIDsec'09 Asia in Taipei (2009), RFIDsec'10 Asia in Singapore (2010), RFIDsec'11 Asia in Wuxi (2011), RFIDsec'12 Asia in Taipei (2012) and RFIDsec'13 Asia in Guangzhou (2013).
RFIDsec'14 Asia aims to provide researchers, enterprises and governments a platform to investigate, discuss and propose new solutions on security and privacy issues of RFID/IoT (Radio Frequency Identification/Internet of Things) technologies and applications. In this year, we had an excellent program consisted of 5 high-quality papers which were selected after a rigorous reviewing process by the Program Committee members and external reviewers. Covered are many interesting topics, such as the implementation of passive UHF RFID tag, practical NFC privacy-preserving applications, the design of multi-ownership transfer protocol, and lightweight authentication on RFID. This year we have the formal proceedings published by IOS Press in the Cryptology and Information Security Series to include these 5 excellent papers.
RFIDsec'14 Asia was made possible through the contributions from many individuals and organizations. First, we thank all the authors who submitted papers. We also gratefully acknowledge the Program Committee members and external reviewers for the time and effort on the submission review process. Finally, we further thank the sponsors, Department of Information Management at NDNU and TWISC@NTUST, of RFIDsec'14 Asia for hosting the workshop.
Nai-Wei Lo, Yingjiu Li and Kuo-Hui Yeh
November 2014