The primary goal of the School was to familiarize the emerging generation of young researchers with the fundamental concepts across all key disciplines integral to the realm of quantum fluids of light and matter. The aim was to contribute to their education by instilling the distinctive interdisciplinary mindset essential for engaging in this cutting-edge field of research. Accordingly, lecturers were carefully selected to encompass a broad spectrum of subjects. The lecture notes encapsulated in this book offer an introductory panorama of the principal topics explored throughout the School, providing a foundational understanding for those venturing into the multifaceted landscape of quantum fluids of light.
The lecture by Luigi A. Lugiato provided an historical overview, tracing the evolution from the perspective of nonlinear optics and pattern formation in nonlinear dynamical systems, up to their modern applications in laser and quantum optics devices, such as twin photons generation and quantum imaging. The lectures by Steven Girvin provide an introductory overview of circuit QED and its promise as a platform for the simulation of correlated quantum matter and lattice gauge theories. The lectures by Tomoki Ozawa offer a comprehensive summary of fundamental concepts in topological physics, focusing on the theory of topological bands, renowned topological models, and their recent implementations in atomic and optical platforms. In the lectures by Atac Imamoglu, an overview is provided on quantum photonics in solid-state devices utilizing 2D van der Waals materials. These materials undergo modifications in their optical properties due to the interaction of polaritons with the electron gas. Additionally, novel confinement strategies are explored with the aim of realizing strongly correlated fluids of light. The lectures by Victor Albert introduce bosonic or continuous-variable coding techniques. These methods leverage the intrinsic infinite-dimensionality of bosonic systems, such as electromagnetic signals or mechanical modes, for robust quantum information processing and communication. The focus lies on utilizing electromagnetic signals or mechanical modes for these purposes.
In addition to the lectures documented in this volume of proceedings, we would like to highlight the intriguing presentations by Nicolas Regnault on twisted bilayer graphene as well as the fantastic course on Rydberg atoms and their use as quantum simulators conducted by Hannes Bernien. Further seminars were delivered by the organizers on the physics of superfluidity, topological excitations and dark solitons in quantum fluids of light, on cavity-modified quantum Hall physics and high-impedance multi-mode circuit QED.
The organizers gratefully acknowledge Barbara Alzani and all the SIF staff for their efficient efforts during each stage of the organization of the school.
The school was partially supported by the Pitaevskii BEC Center of INO-CNR (Trento), the Provincia Autonoma di Trento, French ANR project TRIANGLE (ANR-20-CE47-0011) and FET FLAGSHIP Project PhoQuS (grant agreement 820392).
A. Bramati, I. Carusotto and C. Ciuti