Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is my privilege to welcome you on behalf of the Head of the Health Service of the Hungarian Defense Forces, on behalf of Major General László Svéd, M.D.
The date 6th of October is a historical Anniversary in the Hungarian Republic. In 1849 the Army of the Russian Czar defeated the defense forces of the Hungarian Democratic Revolution raised against the Austrian Habsburg Empire, and on the 6th of October 13 Generals were sentenced to death and executed by the Austrian government in the city of ARAD, located since 1919 in Romania.
The title of this 2003 conference is “Emerging Biological Threat”. We believe that this advanced research workshop will be one of the best initiated by the NATO Scientific department, and organised by Co-Directors Akbar Khan and George Berencsi. The topic itself has Hungarian roots.
The first microtechnique in microbiology was developed by Dr. Takátsy in the early fifties. The microplates and spiral loop system used for many decades for serological diagnostic has Hungarian origins.
This Advanced Research Workshop has limited funding. The title is very progressive, since emerging infections are concerned, but top experts in this topic are available in the United States. The Sponsor decided not to prefer training courses held by US professionals for Hungarian and eligible countries. In spite of this, we believe that this meeting will be very advantageous for participants.
There are many reasons for optimism. American, European and Hungarian participants are represented in equal proportions. I have to mention, that in 2003 the first Hungarian writer Imre Kertesz, was awarded with the Nobel Prize. Natural sciences have to aim to be at the same level.
I am sure that the material of the Workshop will be of outstanding scientific quality. I should like to wish you success in your work, and please prepare your manuscripts in time to be included in the edited proceedings of this meeting.
Budapest, 6 October 2003, Colonel István Kopcsó, MD, Hungarian Defence Forces, Institute of Health Protection