Generally, civil works are exposed to the dynamics of the process of evolution of the earth, trying to understand it to elaborate projects in harmony with the environment, only in this way sustainable projects will be obtained from the society. The work of river defense understood as a walk that runs parallel to the bank of the Osmore River, also protecting an adjacent avenue, was severely affected by the dynamics of the river, even eroding part of the double path. Procuring the measures to restore the affected areas, an extensive program of field and processing of the obtained data was developed, with this objective the corresponding analyzes were carried out, so that the new design of the river defense has the technical solids to resist the maximum floods from the river. Initially a revision of the geological information and mechanical pits existing in the previous studies was developed; In the second stage, geological-geotechnical research was carried out, where geophysical studies were developed using seismic refraction tomography to identify the geoseismic strata based on the speed of the seismic waves and the geo-resistivity strata based on the electrical resistivities of each stratum identified through high-resolution electric resistivity tomography. The geophysical results integrated to the other investigations with direct methods, allowed the integral geotechnical understanding of the researched area, which led to pose the ideal solution to the imminent risk of dynamic river force, knowing in detail the morphology of geophysical differentiated strata. Two geophysical methods were used to improve the forensic geotechnical analysis, resulting in multiple methodologies increasing the certainty of the characterization of the study area, in terms of physical and mechanical properties.