Ebook: Moving Integrated Product Development to Service Clouds in the Global Economy

The theory of concurrent engineering is based on the concept that the different phases of a product lifecycle should be conducted concurrently and initiated as early as possible within the product creation process. Concurrent engineering is important in many industries, including automotive, aerospace, shipbuilding, consumer goods and environmental engineering, as well as in the development of new services and service support.
This book presents the proceedings of the 21st ISPE Inc. International Conference on Concurrent Engineering, held at Beijing Jiaotong University, China, in September 2014. It is the first volume of a new book series: 'Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering'. The title of the CE2014 conference is: 'Moving Integrated Product Development to Service Clouds in the Global Economy', which reflects the variety of processes and methods which influence modern product creation. After an initial first section presenting the keynote papers, the remainder of the book is divided into 11 further sections with peer-reviewed papers: product lifecycle management (PLM); knowledge-based engineering (KBE); cloud approaches; 3-D printing applications; design methods; educational methods and achievements; simulation of complex systems; systems engineering; services as innovation and science; sustainability; and recent research on open innovation in concurrent engineering.
The book will be of interest to CE researchers, practitioners from industry and public bodies, and educators alike.
This book of proceedings contains papers peer reviewedaccepted for the 21st ISPE Inc. International Conference on Concurrent Engineering held at the Beijing Jiaotong University, China, September 8–11th, 2014. This is the first issue of the newly introduced series “Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering” which will publish the proceedings of the CE conference series. The CE conference series is organized annually by the International Society for Productivity Enhancement (ISPE Inc.) and constitutes an important forum for international scientific exchange on concurrent and collaborative enterprise engineering. These international conferences attract a significant number of researchers, industry experts and students, as well as government representatives, who are interested in the recent advances in concurrent engineering research, advancements and applications.
Developed in the 80's, the CE approach is based on the concept that different phases of a product life cycle should be conducted concurrently and initiated as early as possible within the Product Creation Process (PCP), including the implications within the extended enterprise. The main goal of CE is to increase the efficiency of the PCP and to reduce errors in the late phases, as well as full lifecycle and through-life operational considerations. In the past decades, CE has become the substantive basic methodology in many industries (automotive, aerospace, machinery, shipbuilding, consumer goods, process industry, environmental engineering) and is also adopted in the development of new services and service support.
The initial basic CE concepts have matured and have become the foundations of many new ideas, methodologies, initiatives, approaches and tools. Generally, the current CE focus concentrates on enterprise collaboration and its many different elements; from integrating people and processes, to very specific complete multi/inter/transdisciplinary solutions. Current research on CE is driven again by many factors like increased customer demands, globalization, (international) collaboration and environmental strategies. The successful application of CE in the past opens also the perspective for future applications like overcoming natural catastrophes and sustainable mobility concepts with electrical vehicles.
The CE2014 Organizing Committee has identified 27 thematic areas within CE and launched a Call For Papers accordingly, with resulting submissions submitted from all continents of the world. The conference is entitled: “Moving Integrated Product Development to Service Clouds in the Global Economy”. This title reflects the variety of processes and methods which influences the modern product creation. Finally the submissions as well as invited talks were collated into 12 streams led by outstanding researchers and practitioners.
The Proceedings contains 88 peer-reviewed papers by authors from 22 countries and two invited keynote papers. These papers range from the theoretical, conceptual and to the strong pragmatic that contain industrial best practice. The involvement of more than 10 companies from many industries in the presented papers gives special importance for this conference.
This book on ‘Moving Integrated Product Development to Service Clouds in the Global Economy’ is directed at three constituencies: researchers, design practitioners, and educators. Researchers will benefit from the latest research results and knowledge in the product creation processes and such related methodologies. Engineering professionals and practitioners will learn from the current state of the art in concurrent engineering practice, new approaches, methods, tools and their applications. The educators in the CE community disseminate and learn from the latest advances and methodologies for engineering curricula, and the community also encourages young educators to bring new ideas into the field.
Part 1 of the Proceedings comprises the keynotes while part 2 is entitled “Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)” and addresses an advanced overview on new research and development in product lifecycle management (PLM) from many industry sectors. Part 3 contains the most contributions and outlines the importance of Knowledge Based Engineering (KBE) within CE which kind of methods to develop, and what the general approach in the product creation process for capturing and using this knowledge.
In Part 4 a variety of the cloud approaches in manufacturing and service is highlighted while Part 5 addresses novel 3D printing applications. Part 6 focuses on design methods in the context of CE while Part 7 addresses specific educational methods and achievements within CE. Part 8 illustrates a number of key-topics on simulation of complex systems and Part 9 deals with the broad variety of use cases for the systems engineering of complex products.
Finally, Part 10 highlights various aspects of services as innovation and science with manifold applications, Part 11 recalls sustainability as basic requirement of engineering activity, and Part 12 comprises the recent research on open innovation in CE, together with some associated strategic directives.
We acknowledge the high quality contributions of all authors to this book, and the work of the members of the International Program Committee who assisted with the blind triple peer-review of the original papers submitted and presented at the conference. You are sincerely invited to consider all of the contributions made by this year's participants through the presentation of CE2014 papers collated into this book of proceedings, in the hope that you will be further inspired in your work by giving your ideas for new approaches for sustainable product development in a multi-disciplinary environment within the ISPE Inc. community.
Jianzhong Cha, General Chair
Beijing Jiaotong University, China
Shuo-Yan Chou, Co-General Chair
Taiwan Tech, Taiwan, China
Josip Stjepandić, Program Chair
Richard Curran, Co-Program Chair
TU Delft, The Netherlands
Wensheng Xu, Secretary General
Beijing Jiaotong University, China
Improvements in the design and manufacturing processes, and the related technologies that enable them, have led to significant improvements in product functionality and quality. However, the need for further improvements in these areas is needed due to increasing complexity of integrated product process development (IPD). Introduction of a new IPD project is more complex than most people realize and getting more complex all the time. Some of the complexity is due to rapidly changing and advancing technologies in underlying hardware and software, and the interplay of individual complex methods in system configurations. A strong IPD methodology, with intrinsically higher fidelity models to actualize the agile service-oriented design/manufacturing processes, is needed which can be continuously upgraded and modified. This paper describes a true service-oriented architecture that describes everything, anywhere, anytime as a service with the innovative service-oriented process expression (front-end services called exertions) and its dynamic and on-demand actualization (back-end service providers). Domain-specific languages (DSLs) for modeling or programming or both (mogramming) are introduced and their unifying role of front/back-end services is presented. Moving to the back-end of IPD systems front-end process expressions, that are easily created and updated by the end users, is the key strategy in reducing complexity of large-scale IPD systems. It allows for process expressions in DSLs to become directly available as back-end service providers that normally are developed by experts and software developers that cope constantly with the compatibility, software, and system integration issues that become more complex all the time.
Rapid advances in Information Technology have resulted in revolutionary changes in the way we run our businesses and live our daily lives. Network-Centric Operations (NCO) recognizes that interdependence (sharing information among many) is vital to an organization's future. Information must be quickly distributed, its value understood and the desired effect created. NCO occurs when systems are linked or networked by a common infrastructure, share information across geographic borders, and dynamically reallocate resources based on operational needs. NCO is an environment where seamless collaboration between networks, systems or elements within systems is possible. This network will provide decisions makers with information from thousands of cloud nodes to produce a complete picture of Cloud Manufacturing viewed as a three-dimensional chessboard. Enabling this seamless networking capability is an information and communication Strategic Architecture Reference Model (RFM). The RFM works with both legacy and future systems and platforms to ensure interoperability with nodes that follow the same set of standards. Understanding System-of-Systems Engineering (SOSE) is critical to a robust architecture development of NCO systems. There are five System-of-Systems (SoS) characteristics [1] but the dominating one is emergent behavior. This non-linear behavior will impact architecture development. We have little understanding of the principles of SOSE in which especially the dominating behavior of emergence. Proposed research subjects are Boltzmann distribution probability theory, and agent-based emergent behavior model, etc. Due to the immature development and diversified opinions, there does not exist a single unified consensus for processes involved in System-of-Systems Engineering.
This presentation is based on the works of research and applications in Cloud Manufacturing (CMfg) carried out by the authors' team
Team is composed of 28 units come from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing Simulation Center, China CNR Corporation Limited, Institute of Manufacture Engineering of Chongqing University, DG-HUST Manufacturing Engineering Institute, Beijing NDTech Corporation Limited, Wuhan University of Technology and so on…
Until recently, the higher-education institution was the only enterprise that did not see any fundamental changes for many centuries. Over the past decade, however, eLearning technologies have drastically increased the supply of education offers; while economic recessions have considerably reduced the demand of traditional degree education. The recent MOOCs (massively open online courses) movement makes many high-quality courses available online to everyone free of charge; and the current economic recession renders well-paid employment unattainable for many college graduates. Now that classroom lectures are free and university degrees are underwater, the higher-education enterprise has finally passed a strategic inflection point (SIP) where nothing short of fundamental changes will do – this is a perfect time for breakthrough innovation. It is clear that a 21st century university will have a vastly different shape and form than it does today. This keynote presentation introduces a breakthrough innovation in global education, called iPodia where “i” stands for inverted, interactive, and international learning. iPodia uses modern technologies to eliminate the distance of peer-to-peer interactions to enrich the learning experiences of all students at multiple universities within the iPodia Alliance. As of spring 2014, the Alliance has 10 formal members from 4 Continents, enabling over 350,000 students to learn together with each other around the clock and throughout the season. While many institutions are now using MOOC technologies to replace physical classrooms, iPodia is developing new pedagogy to reinvent classrooms on campuses. While many universities are globalizing by building classrooms-across-borders, iPodia is demonstrating a new globalization strategy to create classrooms-without-borders. It explores global diversity in local classrooms as a learning resource, rather than a hindrance, for students in order to promote “education diplomacy” – students from countries that normally wouldn't talk with each other are now studying and working together in iPodia classrooms. This demonstrates the iPodia vision “learning together for a better world”. This presentation introduces the iPodia pedagogy and the iPodia Alliance to demonstrate how a team of elite global universities are working together to innovate borderless interactive learning as a future paradigm of global education.
The rapid advancement of Internet of Things (IoT) is pushing the envelope of how Concurrent Engineering can be practiced. IoT provides the pervasive real-time, and location sensitive data capabilities, forces engineered products to evolve with new communication and computational features before, during and after they are deployed to users. To cope with this IoT-driven product development speed, this article presents a Concurrent Engineering approach, called eXtreme Learning Process (XLP), where all engineered products and engineers are conceptualised as learning agents in agencies connected by the “Internet of Everything” (IoE). Instead of thinking of engineered products as concrete objects produced by distinct engineering teams, XLP-based engineering approach identifies engineering solutions as composable intellectual assets generated by decentralised learning processes. Therefore, any individual, or any organisation, can participate in this incremental learning process, and collectively design and produce new products using resources connected to the Internet ecology. To demonstrate the feasibility of XLP-based concurrent engineering approach, we have conducted a number of XLP-based product development experiments in workshop forms in several universities. Certain product development case studies will be presented and analysed in this article. We will also discuss how XLP can be used as an integrated curriculum design method to explore the future of concurrent engineering education.
The early part of this millennium has witnessed the emergence of an Internet-based engineering marketplace, where engineers, designers, and manufacturers from small and large companies are collaborating through the Internet to participate in various product development and marketing activities. This will be further enhanced by the next generation manufacturing environment, which will consist of a network of cooperating engineering applications, where state of the art multi-media tools and techniques will enhance closer collaboration between geographically distributed applications, virtual reality tools will allow visualization and simulation in a synthetic environment, and information exchange standards will facilitate seamless interoperation of heterogeneous applications. In this presentation, I will discuss several technologies that are being developed to make the above vision a reality.
Through a broad approach about reputable methodologies of Product Development Process (PDP), this paper proposes a model of development to be considered in designing and management of R&D project of the Research and Development Program of the Brazilian Electricity Sector regulated by the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL). Such projects, guided by the search for innovative products and technologies in response to technological challenges of the power sector, are well defined by PMBOK Guide of Project Management Institute as “a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a product, service or result”. This means that, for a R&D project to fulfill the principle of temporariness, its management should seek to achieve pre-established goals, following appropriate processes, technologies and teams involved in problem solving principles for development until it gets the achievement of the planned product. In this sense, the objective of this work is to demonstrate that, as in the industry, PDP methodologies may be also suitable for these R&D projects, ensuring better adaptation of the results to customer needs and strengthening the relationship between university and industry in the R&D process of the electricity sector. This research addresses a compilation about several PDP models already established by the industry with a view to creating a suitable development model to the R&D projects of the electricity sector. The model emphasizes the constructive interaction between the various stages of development methodology (concepts of Concurrent Engineering) and multidisciplinary teams fully integrated with the innovation process. The proposal shows to be promising to induce to the reduction of the typical limitations of segregated and sequential activities observed in many of the projects in R&D of electric sector.
Material recycling of small-sized e-waste such as mobile phones etc is an emerging issue in Japan. However, in practical recycling process, the cost for recycling which heavily depends on the labor cost of manual disassembly is one of the largest problems. Outflows of e-waste to overseas often occur to avoid the high labor cost in developed countries. To reduce the recycling cost and to secure critical metals contained in the e-waste, remote recycling can be a good option. The authors have already proposed the concept of remote recycling in 2008. Recently, inspired by the start of the legislation to expand the target of recycling to small-sized EEE, we noticed that the concept is suitable for small-sized e-waste. Since it is difficult to consume much labor power for small products, physical separation methods (magnetic, pneumatic, electro-statical, etc) are being considered. But, those methods require large facilities and case-by-case adjustment of processes. Contrarily, the authors think human vision will be the most flexible and reliable method to separate valuable parts and non-valuable parts. This paper proposes a basic system of remote recycling based on tele-operation technologies, for small-sized e-waste and carries out feasibility studies of the system. Then, it discusses that concurrent designs of products, disassembly processes, tele-operation methods, social infrastructures and recycling processes are necessary to implement the system. Finally, it concludes that the remote recycling system is a promising concept that can satisfy low recycling cost, high quality and flexible separation of materials, and domestic preservation of critical metals in future.
With the raise of the sustainable production concept and intense global industrial competition, companies' pressure on retaining profit becomes heavier. Without devoting to reduce the environment impact, company should identify a competitive business model to stand out from others. As a solution, product-service system (PSS) has been proposed. PSS is a concept which attaches importance to balance economic, environmental, and social aspect by adding service into product to elevate the product value and improve the utilization of products. Although PSS seems to be a win-win idea in both customers and suppliers, companies still struggle to develop customized PSS. The purpose of this study is to provide a process which could guide the companies to evaluate and develop their specialized profitable and sustainable PSS business model based on core competence. Also, two umbrella related cases were applied to prove that this methodology could assist company in developing customized PSS business model. The result would be presented in the value interaction model.
Maintenance cost of composite aircraft components are generally estimated based on the actual maintenance practices. The estimate is only available for the operating group while not for the design and manufacturing engineers. Moreover, the influence of component attributes are not considered, missing the link from component to maintenance task scheduling, till cost estimation. In this paper, a detailed maintenance cost estimation method is presented. Rules related to component maintenance are extracted to simulate the rationale behind the task scheduling process. Analyses based on a set of maintenance intervals and statistical maintenance times are carried out to determine maintenance cost. In order to identify the influence of composite material, maintenance labor cost for composite component is highlighted in particular. A study case is applied on the A330 composite rudder. The result shows that composite maintenance has a major influence on the overhaul of aircraft component. This research illustrates the capability to perform maintenance cost estimation by linking the component design to the maintenance operations. Assisted by the knowledge based engineering techniques and genetic-causal cost modeling, the influences of sub-assembly design to life cycle implications are identified.
Climate change has been a serious debate topic in almost every country in the world. The need to reduce carbon emission is acknowledged universally irrespective of which side of the climate debate. The development of future electric vehicles will have significant benefits on the environment if this vehicle can be adopted by the general public as the primary mode of transport. However, the existing infrastructure for manufacturing and supporting fossil fuel based vehicles does not fit the operation model of electric vehicle. The industry, supply chain, community and general public need to understand how the new electric vehicle operation system works and what benefits it will bring to them. This paper examines the manufacturing and operational issues of electric vehicles and explores the view of a new global supply chain that will foster design, develop, manufacture and support of electric vehicles. A business plan is proposed to describe the rationale of how to create, deliver, and capture value in terms of economic, social and innovation for supplying electric vehicles to the community.
The interoperability of distributed and concurrent design is defined by the representation of CAD systems project solutions. Nowadays the exchange of solutions performed by the means of standard ISO 10303 and STEP format, created in the frames of CALS technology. It does not allow to modify solutions. This article describes project solutions extraction capability from design activity, models of design object classes formation, as well as to store, to map and further to use information in the context of the functionally adapted representation. The functionally adapted representation concept allows exchanging solutions by the other method. In this case, the main idea is the fixation of solution creation procedure (consists of operation chain) in the procedure chain. Based on the procedure chain author's instrumental environment generates the lightweight CAD. It is a compact software application for engineering. The required operation set for the design object creation determines the lightweight CAD functionality. In this case, the logic and the modification ability of project process is stored inside of the selected project operation class.
Motivated by concerns over rising costs of Jet-A fuel and the current limitations of “drop-in” fuel substitutes, it is proposed that methane (LCH4) provides a promising sustainable aviation fuel alternative. Following consideration of current aircraft fuel costs, a modified preliminary Life Cycle Costing Analysis is provided for a proposed liquid methane aircraft, providing direct economic comparison to a current comparator aircraft with regards to the annual fuel cost, aircraft acquisition costs and the cost of required airport infrastructure. Finally, a preliminary evaluation of the financial benefits of a transition to liquid methane fuel in the aviation sector is presented.
In shipbuilding process, design information is generated in each phase to shape products and operations. For each process the design activities are carried out with a high level of concurrency supported by various computer software systems, though quality of products and efficiency of the concurrent development process highly depend on experiences and insights of skilled experts. The detailed design information is difficult to be shared and design conflicts are solved in a common effort by design engineers in downstream design stages. Data sharing across design sections and simulation of the construction process to predict time and cost are the key factors for concurrent engineering in shipbuilding industry. The concurrent engineering process in shipbuilding will be getting more and more accurate and efficient along with the accumulated design knowledge and simulation results. This paper reviews shipbuilding product creation process and demonstrates practical usage through typical, comprehensive use cases from design and manufacturing.
The increasing interest in emerging markets drives the product development activities for emerging markets. As a first step, companies need to understand the specific design requirements of a new market when expanding into it. Requirements from external sources are particularly challenging to be defined in a new context. This paper focuses on understanding the design requirement sources at the requirement elicitation phase. It aims at proposing an improved design requirement source classification considering emerging markets and presenting current methods for eliciting requirement for each source. The applicability of these methods and their adaption for emerging market is discussed.
Demands imposed by the consumer market and the need to remain competitive have motivated companies to develop products more technologically complex, by adding new functions and continuously seeking to improve manufacturing processes. At the same time that it is vital for a company to innovate and improve its products, the wise use of engineering resources and increasing costs associated with engineering changes, especially the poorly planned ones, have to be considered. The aim of this paper is to propose a decision-making support method for identifying opportunities for product improvement, based on data extracted from warranty records. The method uses field data, which are analyzed under six different perspectives of failure modes. A company in the auto parts industry has partnered in the present research to provide the context for an application example. The proposed method contributes for the effective planning of engineering capacity, by prioritizing engineering changes with customer-driven value and/or correcting product portfolio management based on market input. With more reliable data, the engineering change decision-making process becomes more effective. Furthermore, the method may help: set the right design requirements for delivering improved products into a particular market; plan for resource allocation on different projects; and highlight critical issues to be dealt with.
Complex Product has the characteristics of variety, long life cycle, difficult to verify design, strong target-oriented and dynamic, complex operating environment and status and so on. The existing PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) system can hardly effectively meet the demand of product designing, manufacturing services and MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul/Operation). The complex product lifecycle management model is therefore put forward. In this model, the maintenance closed-loop, operation closed-loop and design closed-loop combine to form an intelligent triple closed-loop PLM. Based on the data collected through a variety of sensors and information systems from different stages of the product life cycle, the model can be used to research the flow of data and feedback methods across the stages and organizations. By combing the data flow, the data feedback points is supposed to be found, which enable the product life cycle data being used circularly. The result is of important guiding significance to lifecycle management of complex product.
The approach described in this paper provides a framework for capturing the knowledge during the curved shell plate's manufacturing, in which the knowledge is articulated in Nested Ripple Down Rules tree format. An interactive computer system has been designed that incorporates a four faceted knowledge-based framework including: (1) Virtual template system provided in the prior work (2) Raw Knowledge Interrelated Database (3) Knowledge Base and (4) Knowledge Elicitation and Dissemination. The framework provides beginning workers with the capability to quickly design a manufacturing plan about all aspects of the design process as the expert workers. The system which integrates the proposed approaches above is evaluated by conducting a series of experiments in the shipyard. The knowledge such as how to manufacturing the curved shell plate considering multiple parameters of the plate in one time is elicited by evaluating a couple of parameters' combination.
Blu-ray Disc (BD), the next generation in optical discs, offers clearer and sharper image, better sound quality than DVD. In 2013, more than 72 million households have BD compatible devices in U.S. This paper aims to explore objectively key technology fields and intellectual intelligence of this emerging BD technology for participants. The patent co-citation approach (PCA), a patent classification system that is adaptive to the characteristics of a specific industry, is applied to draw key technology fields of BD technology. The results show that BD patents can be classified into eight technological categories. Most patents are classified into the two factors – factor 1.1 recording medium, recording and reproducing process, and factor 1.2 information recording medium, defect management. The intelligence can benefit patent management to make technological forecasting, research planning, and technological positioning for BD technology.
The maximum weight matching (MWM) for bipartite graphs is a fundamental combinatorial optimization problem that can be found extensively in many engineering applications such as job assignment and resource allocation. The traditional solution to MWM requires all weights to be collected on a centralized entity. In this paper, we present a multi-agent approach to solving MWM by message passing among all involved agents in a concurrent way. The proposed distributed algorithm is motivated by two related factors: first, in certain circumstances no server is available to provide centralized services, and second, the agents may not be willing to share the secret weight information to others. In the proposed approach, a MWM problem is first converted to the prime-dual linear programming setting, and a nonlinear dynamics is introduced to evolve to the solution. Each agent updates its estimates of the prime-dual variables following the dynamics, using a step parameter determined only by the size of the problem, before sending messages to other agents. In this paper, we prove the optimality, convergence of the proposed algorithm and study the experimental results by simulating some typical problem setups. The simulation experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
The development of sustainable products is a full growth area due to current legislation, mainly in Europe and the United States. Electronics products have increasingly short life cycles, which imposes the need to exchange information more dynamically, accurately and timely, for preventing failures in the survey, interpretation and application of information during the stage of product development, ensuring compliance to existing regulatory frameworks. Products need to be designed based on structured information. Capturing the desires and needs of customers and turning them into requirements and design details for the purpose of compliance to the RoHS regulatory framework is a complex task due to the multitude of information, not always correlated. Hypothetically, the use of a single definition model that captures a spatial, behavioral and procedural description of the product can help reduce the current waste of resources and quality assurance in the development process. The present work aims to develop a product definition model for meeting the RoHS directive. This is done by proposing a formal ontology that potentially promotes interoperability of information systems that are used throughout the production chain in the electronics industry. The model is under development and is to be checked for suitability in the context of the Brazilian electronics industry.