Until recently, the higher-education institution was the only enterprise that did not see any fundamental changes for many centuries. Over the past decade, however, eLearning technologies have drastically increased the supply of education offers; while economic recessions have considerably reduced the demand of traditional degree education. The recent MOOCs (massively open online courses) movement makes many high-quality courses available online to everyone free of charge; and the current economic recession renders well-paid employment unattainable for many college graduates. Now that classroom lectures are free and university degrees are underwater, the higher-education enterprise has finally passed a strategic inflection point (SIP) where nothing short of fundamental changes will do – this is a perfect time for breakthrough innovation. It is clear that a 21st century university will have a vastly different shape and form than it does today. This keynote presentation introduces a breakthrough innovation in global education, called iPodia where “i” stands for inverted, interactive, and international learning. iPodia uses modern technologies to eliminate the distance of peer-to-peer interactions to enrich the learning experiences of all students at multiple universities within the iPodia Alliance. As of spring 2014, the Alliance has 10 formal members from 4 Continents, enabling over 350,000 students to learn together with each other around the clock and throughout the season. While many institutions are now using MOOC technologies to replace physical classrooms, iPodia is developing new pedagogy to reinvent classrooms on campuses. While many universities are globalizing by building classrooms-across-borders, iPodia is demonstrating a new globalization strategy to create classrooms-without-borders. It explores global diversity in local classrooms as a learning resource, rather than a hindrance, for students in order to promote “education diplomacy” – students from countries that normally wouldn't talk with each other are now studying and working together in iPodia classrooms. This demonstrates the iPodia vision “learning together for a better world”. This presentation introduces the iPodia pedagogy and the iPodia Alliance to demonstrate how a team of elite global universities are working together to innovate borderless interactive learning as a future paradigm of global education.