A Future Vision: A Serious Attempt to Integrate Terminologies in Nursing Practice, a Strategy for 2005–2007
Kathryn Moelstad, Heidi S. Glomsaas, Kari Dahl, Ragnhild Riis, Kristin Bang
The Norwegian Nurses Association has developed a strategy for the use and development of terminologies in nursing. The proposal for this strategy is that terminologies are important in developing nursing practice. The goal of the strategy is to contribute to the nursing endeavours in documenting, quality insurance and influencing health policies.
One method of achieving this is to stimulate the use and further development of terminologies, through structured and standardized documentation. The purpose is to inform and educate clinical practice, education, professional development and research. It is a goal that the strategy will also influence health authorities in the choice and decisions of terminologies that will be used for nursing.
The strategy gives an overview of the terminologies that the Norwegian Nurses Association has decide translate and evaluate. In addition, the strategy exemplifies recommendations for status in 2007 for structured documentation and the use of terminologies and how this status should be achieved.
This paper will highlight three areas from the strategy that the Norwegian Nurses Association wishes to focus on:
1. Translations of classifications systems and version control
2. The need for systematic research and evaluation of terminologies in the context of nursing practice and laws in Norway
3. The challenge of educating nurses in the use of terminologies.