The cost of information handling is becoming astonishingly low. lnformation and communication technology will undoubtedly continue to make information ever more abundant to people and organizations. White-collar growth rates clearly reveal the importance of information as the main organizational transaction content, more than just transaction support. Consequently, our lives depend more on information than ever before and this dependence relies on information and communication technology. After the telephone, the Internet and the mobile phone revolutions, we are entering a new and more important evolutionary phase: information ubiquity based on mobile communications, both voice and data. To every individual, information ubiquity will result in the necessity to have immediate access to information. We assume, quite confidently, that the mobile communications bandwidth will continue to grow and that mobile devices will also evolve according to our wildest expectations. We also assume that people and organizations will be able to access information whenever and wherever necessary. The extraordinary growth of production, treatment, diffusion and circulation of information creates, therefore, a main technological dependence, in particular from computers and from the Internet. Because the organizational, social and individual performance is becoming more dependent on information and information technology, it is crucial to find security approaches that follow simultaneously technology dependence and the value of its use. Besides, the critical nature of information and the absolute necessity to prevail, demands total trustworthiness, opportunity, and safety in real-time. In order to deal with the increasing information value dependability, we propose an operational security approach for ubiquitous real-time information based on information value.