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The formal foundation of Topological Functioning Model (TFM) makes it as a powerful tool to analyze the functioning of a problem domain and to formally relate problem domain artifacts with the artifacts that should exist in solution domain. TFM captures system functioning specification in the form of topological space consisting of functional features and cause-and-effect relations among them and is represented in a form of directed graph. The functional features together with topological relationships contain the necessary information to formally analyze problem domain workflows. To specify the behavior of system execution a new element is added to the TFM – the logical relations. The presence of logical relations within TFM denotes forking, joining, decision making, and merging during the functioning of the problem and solution domains. Thus it is needed to identify and carefully analyze logical relations within TFM in order to have all the necessary information to perform formal analysis of problem domain workflows. The problem domain workflows within this paper is represented by means of Activity diagrams.
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