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The increasing elderly population necessitates increased geriatric care. However, a shortage of caregivers leads to a risk of falls and bedsores in the elderly, both of which result in severe injuries. Whilst wearable devices, and vision sensors have been adopted for monitoring. However, these sensors come with limitations, impacting comfort and privacy for the elderly. To address these challenges, non-intrusive sensing devices integrated into the environment offer promising value for continuous elderly activity monitoring. This study uses a panel sensor embedded with four sensors, consisting of two piezoelectric sensors and two pressure sensors. It is placed beneath the mattress. The position classification encompasses five distinct positions: off-bed, sitting, lying in the center, lying on the left side, and lying on the right side. To find the best position for placing the panel, the positions of the panel and the combination of panel sensors positions are evaluated for five-bed positions classification. As a result, the best position for a sensor panel was in the middle of the bed (position No. 3), with an accuracy of 97.12%. This suggests the panel sensor should be placed at 123.5 cm, measured from the top of the bed. Moreover, in the case of placing two-panel sensors, the most effective arrangement comprises placing one-panel sensor placed at the the bed-top (position No. 1) and the other in the middle of the bed (position No. 3), yielding accuracy 99.93%.
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