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Sandpaper ice has a detrimental impact on the stall characteristics of aircraft. In this paper, numerical simulation method is used to study the aerodynamic characteristics of supercritical airfoils and high-lift airfoils with sandpaper ice. Different roughness heights and ranges of the sandpaper ice are considered. For the supercritical airfoil, it is found that within the leading-edge region, the adverse effects on lift characteristics increase with the roughness range, and the impact stabilizes when the ice accretion reaches 1% chord length. However, the degradation of lift characteristics becomes more pronounced when there is sandpaper ice on the mid to aft sections of the supercritical airfoil. For the high-lift airfoil, within the slat leading-edge region, the adverse effects on lift characteristics increase with the roughness range, and the impact stabilizes when the ice accretion reaches 1% chord length. However, the lift characteristics deteriorate when there is sandpaper ice on the main wing of the high-lift airfoil, especially on the mid to aft sections of the main wing. For both supercritical airfoils and high-lift airfoils, the higher the ice roughness height in the leading-edge region, the more detrimental the impact on their lift characteristics.
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