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The PreCICE open-source platform was used for secondary development to achieve multi-physics field coupling between fluid and solid in hypersonic flow processes. The numerical results were compared using circular tube flow experiments, and the numerical results were in good agreement with the experiments. A multi-physics coupling simulation was conducted on an āLā - shaped folding wing under 6 Ma flight conditions using this platform, and the aerodynamic characteristics of the wing under different folding angles and angles of attack were compared. The results showed that the maximum deformation caused by aerodynamic forces on the folding wing itself occurred at the wing tip in hypersonic environments; Fully unfolding the wing at a lower angle of attack could achieve a greater lift to drag ratio, while retracting at a certain angle at a higher angle of attack could increase the lift to drag ratio; As the folding angle increased, the leading edge at the wing axis was less heated while the lower surface was heated more strongly, and the temperature in the high-temperature zone at the end of the axis slightly increased.
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