This volume summarizes the works and new research results presented at the Tenth Joint Conference on Knowledge-based Software Engineering (JCKBSE 2012), which took place in August 23–26, 2012 on the island of Rodos, Greece. JCKBSE is a well established international biennial conference that focuses on the applications of Artificial Intelligence on Software Engineering. The Tenth Joint Conference on Knowledge-based Software Engineering (JCKBSE 2012) was organized by the Department of Informatics of the University of Piraeus and it was the second time that a JCKBSE took place in Greece.
This year, pretty much like every year, the majority of submissions originated from Japan, while Greece was second. The submitted papers were reviewed by at least two reviewers. Finally, 35 papers were accepted for presentation at the JCKBSE2012 and inclusion in its Proceedings. The papers accepted for presentation in JCKBSE2012 address topics such as the following:
Architecture of knowledge-based systems, intelligent agents and softbots
Architectures for knowledge-based shells
Automating software design and synthesis
Decision support methods for software engineering
Development of multi-modal interfaces
Development of user models
Development processes for knowledge-based applications
Empirical/evaluation studies for knowledge-based applications
Intelligent user interfaces and human-machine interaction
Internet-based interactive applications
Knowledge acquisition
Knowledge engineering for process management and project management
Knowledge management for business processes, workflows and enterprise modeling
Knowledge technologies for semantic web
Knowledge technologies for service-oriented systems, Internet of services and Internet of things
Knowledge technologies for web services
Knowledge-based methods and tools for software engineering education
Knowledge-based methods and tools for testing, verification and validation, maintenance and evolution
Knowledge-based methods for software metrics
Knowledge-based requirements engineering, domain analysis and modeling
Methodology and tools for knowledge discovery and data mining
Ontologiespatterns in UML modeling
Ontology engineering
Program understanding, programming knowledge, modeling programs and programmers
Software engineering methods for Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Software life cycle of intelligent interactive systems
Software tools assisting the development
In JCKBSE2012, we had Prof. Nikolaos Bourbakis as Keynote Speaker. Prof. Bourbakis (IEEE Fellow) is an OBR Distinguished Professor of IT and the Director of the Assistive Technologies Research Center (ATRC) at Wright State University, Ohio, USA. He pursues research in Applied AI, Machine Vision, Bioinformatics & Bioengineering, Assistive Technologies, Information Security, and Parallel- Distributed Processing funded by USA and European government and industry. He has published more than 330 articles in refereed International Journals, book-chapters and Conference Proceedings, and 10 books as an author, co-author or editor. He has graduated 17 Ph.Ds and 37 Master students. He is the founder and the EIC of the International Journal on AI Tools, the Editor-in-Charge of a Research Series of Books in AI (WS Publisher), the Founder and General Chair of several International IEEE Computer Society Conferences, Symposia and Workshops, an Associate Editor in several IEEE and International Journals and a Guest Editor in 18 journals special issues. His research work has been internationally recognized and has won several prestigious awards. Some of them are: IBM Author recognition Award 1991, IEEE Computer Society Outstanding Contribution Award 1992, IEEE Outstanding Paper Award ATC 1994, IEEE Computer Society Technical Research Achievement Award 1998, IEEE ICTAI 10 years Research Contribution Award 1999, IEEE Symposium on BIBE Outstanding Leadership Award 2003, ASC Award for Assistive Technology 2005, University of Patras Degree of Recognition 2007. The title of his talk was “An Intelligent Interface for Human-Machine Interaction for the Blind”.
We would like to thank the authors for choosing JCKBSE2012 as the forum for presenting the results of their research. We would also like to thank the reviewers for taking the time to review the submitted papers rigorously. For their efforts in undertaking the organization of JCKBSE2012, we would like to thank Profs. George A. Tsihrintzis and Th. Panagiotopoulos. For putting together the website of JCKBSE2012 and for managing the conference administration system, we would like to thank Mr. Ari Sako. Finally, we would like to thank the IOS Press personnel for their wonderful job in producing this Proceedings.
Maria Virvou and Saeko Matsuura
JCKBSE2012 General and Program co-Chairs