This study emphasis on the changes in maritime sector in Ukraine since February 2022. It was shown the importance for the country’s economy to unblock the water routes and open the Ukrainian corridor in 2023 to stabilize the export-import operations. Due to the constant development of the Ukrainian corridor, the agricultural production is successfully exported through the open ports and sometimes the volumes have reached the pre-war data. At the same time, the other production like ferrous or energy resources meets challenges. Thus, ferrous have been mined but can’t be transported, which creates the necessity to further negotiations within the international trade agreements. Considering ports as an entry gate to the country and dependency of port operations from the energy supply, the energy security of ports was considered. Following the IEA-methodology, the indicators of energy security in Ukraine by MOSES model were estimated and compared. The dependence on imports of several energy sources and variety of exporters keep the risk of supply chain disruptions very high. Alternative energy sources are a key to the energy security of port operations and their resilience capacity. The analysis delved into the primary partnerships and international project initiatives, with a focus on modernizing and reconstructing the physical infrastructure of ports and transportation modes. Analysis of the strategies showed the necessity for the improvements due to the focus of exporting-importing on the Danube region.