This book of proceedings consists of papers carefully selected for the 11th Swedish Production Symposium (SPS2024), held at University West, Sweden, in Trollhättan from 23 to 26 April 2024. The title and overarching theme of SPS2024 is Sustainable Production through Advanced Manufacturing, Intelligent Automation and Work Integrated Learning. This aligns with the European Commission’s vision for the future of manufacturing, emphasizing stakeholder value, the societal role of industry, worker well-being, and environmental sustainability.
The Swedish Production Symposium (SPS) is organized by the Swedish Production Academy (SPA), established in 2006. SPA’s vision is “to drive and develop production research and higher education in Sweden, and to increase national cooperation in research and education within the production area.” (See https://swedishproductionacademy.se). SPS launched in August 2007 in Gothenburg, Sweden with a mission to provide a platform for SPA members, industry professionals, and academics interested in production research and education to share insights and ideas.
In recognition of the essential collaboration between product development and production for successful product realization, SPS2024 is co-organized in Sweden by SPA and the Product Development Academy (PDA) (see https://www.productdevelopmentacademy.se), continuing the collaboration initiated at SPS2020, which was hosted by Jönköping University.
This book features the 59 papers accepted for presentation at the symposium, categorized into six sections reflecting the thematic areas of SPS2024:
∙ Sustainable manufacturing
∙ Smart production and automation
∙ Digitalization for efficient product realization
∙ Circular production
∙ Industrial transformation for sustainability
∙ Integration of education and research.
The contributors to the proceedings represent a diverse array of affiliations, and the 59 papers in the proceedings are co-authored by individuals from 13 Swedish universities, 4 international universities, one research institute, and 11 companies.
We would like to extend our gratitude to:
∙ All authors for their valuable contributions.
∙ Members of the Scientific Committee for their diligent review of submitted papers.
∙ Session chairs for their assistance during the symposium.
∙ Keynote speakers Daniel Sperling (Founding Director, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis), Alice Øritsland (Vice president HR Vattenfall Distribution & Director People, Culture & Sustainability), Henrik Runnemalm (Vice president Global Technology Centre, GKN Aerospace), Amer Mohammed (Expert in digitalization, innovation, AR and AI), and Thomas Böllinghaus (Head of Department Component Safety, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und – prüfung (BAM) for sharing their expertise and experiences.
∙ Linda Bohlin Trajkovski (CEO, Innovatum Science Park/Blå bioekonomi), and Frank Smit (Vice President Vehicle Solutions, NEVS) for sharing their perspectives.
∙ Panel discussion participants Per Norlander (Vice President Sveriges Ingenjörer), Mélanie Despeisse (Associate Professor of Sustainable Digitalized Production, Chalmers University of Technology), Lena Killander (Horizon Europe Programme Committee Expert at Vinnova), Cecilia Warrol (Senior Expert, Teknikföretagen), Maria Dollhopf (Programme Manager at the Knowledge Foundation), Dina Koutsikouri (Associate Professor of Information Systems, University of Gothenburg), Amanda Dalstam (CoE Director Engineering IT, GKN Aerospace), and Luca Costa (CEO, International Institute of Welding (IIW)) for the exchange of their knowledge and insight.
∙ Jan-Eric Ståhl (Professor, Lund University) and Anders Jarfors (Professor, Jönköping University) for their valuable input.
∙ Vinnova - Production 2030, GKN Aerospace, and Trollhättan Stad for their support.
∙ Lastly, everyone else who contributed to the realization of the symposium.
We are immensely grateful for your attendance and contributions, which made SPS2024 such a resounding success.