The Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet) is an annual conference devoted to electronics technology, communications engineering, wireless communications, and computer engineering. CECNet 2023 returned to a face-to-face format and was held in Macau, China from 17–20 November 2023. The CECNet conference series has completed its thirteenth edition, and hopefully after the last three years in online mode, the face-to-face conference has now returned for good.
The contributions can be classified under three main categories:
– Electronics Technology and VLSI
– Internet Technology and Signal Processing
– Information Communication and Communication Networks.
The attendees enjoyed three keynote speakers: Prof. Martin Maier from the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS), Montréal, Canada, who has a h-index of 52 and about 10,000 citations; Prof. Gi-Chul Yang from Mokpo National University, Mokpo, South Korea, who has more than 30 years experience in academia and who co-authored “A Superior Algorithm for Mutual Exclusion in Computer Networks – VISHNU”, IFIP Congress 1989: 169–174 with Vijay Kumar and Jerry Place, a work constituting an important pillar in the synchronization field of computer science and a root of the research career of these three well-known scientists; and Prof. Chi-Man Pun, Computer and Information Science, University of Macau, China who has a h-index of 40.
All papers were exhaustively reviewed by program committee members and peer-reviewers, taking into account the breadth and depth of the research topics falling under the scope of CECNet. From about 324 submissions, the 101 most promising and FAIA mainstream-relevant contributions are included in this book. These present innovative, original ideas or results of general significance supported by clear and rigorous reasoning and compelling new light in the evidence as well as the methods.
We would like to thank all the keynote speakers and authors for their efforts in preparing their contributions to this leading international conference. Moreover, we are very grateful to all those, especially the program committee members and reviewers, who devoted time to the evaluation of the papers. It is a great honor to continue with the publication of these proceedings in the prestigious series Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (FAIA) from IOS Press. Our particular thanks also go to FAIA series editors for once again supporting this conference.
Finally, we hope you enjoy your visit to Macau.
October 2023
Antonio J. Tallón-Ballesteros
Estefanía Cortés-Ancos
Diego A. López-García
Department of Electronics, Computer Systems and Automation Engineering, University of Huelva (Spain), Huelva city, Spain