Due to the Internet advancement, more applications are being developed over heterogeneous technologies and platforms. Thereby, reusability and interoperability are the important aspects for developing and exposing the computational services. That is why the Enterprise Application Integration is an important aspect in order to leverage high reusability and interoperability among disparate applications and services. Pattern based design is an effective way to avoid an expensive process of reinventing, rediscovering as well as revalidating agnostic software artifacts. In this paper, we are proposing a modification of the traditional Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern and exploring other composite patterns for an efficient integration of the applications and services. The key point is that the demarcation of a Functional (View) and an Implementation (Model) task can be achieved deliberately by inducing an Integrator (Controller). The Controller capabilities can be significantly enriched by encapsulating certain Non-Functional activities such as security, reliability, scalability, and routing of request. This enhancement enables the separation of Integration Logic from Functional Logic (Client Application) and Implementation Logic (Service). In our approach, the Controller can be considered as the compound design pattern of the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). To demonstrate how the modified MVC pattern can be used for developing heterogeneous software environment, we are developing an e-Learning Computational Cloud (eLC2) software environment. This paper discusses the peculiarities of the modified MVC design patterns, main components of system architecture as well as how integration of the software components is realized by using the Dependency Injection pattern to achieve higher reusability and interoperability of Service Oriented applications.