This volume of proceedings is a compilation of 17 accepted papers submitted to the 6th International Conference on Material Strength and Applied Mechanics (MSAM 2023). This international platform aims to facilitate the exchange of information among those scientists, technologists, and engineers engaged in basic or applied research, technology development, application, and innovation in material strength and applied mechanics worldwide. This annual conference was held successfully in Macau, China, from 4–7 July 2023, and was attended (online and offline) by over 70 researchers, scholars, and experts from academia and industry in materials science and engineering from 10 countries (Australia, Brazil, China, France, Hungary, India, Japan, Mexico, Portugal, and South Korea). Two keynote speeches, thirty-one invited & oral presentations, and twelve posters were presented with impressive results.
The papers selected for this volume of proceedings contain the latest advancements in applied mechanics, intelligent manufacturing technology, mechanical engineering, numerical methods and optimal design of structures, advanced materials sciences, computational methods and modeling, simulation processes, and industrial applications, among other things.
All papers were rigorously peer-reviewed by two or three independent reviewers from among the members of the Technical Program Committee (TPC) and invited reviewers. Criteria for the selection of papers included scope, applications, research merit, experimental techniques, and grammar. These proceedings will benefit researchers and professionals across the broad range of engineering in fields such as material science, aerospace, mechanical, automotive, and civil engineering, and will facilitate understanding and the adoption of appropriate solutions in tackling those challenges that will inevitably be encountered.
We would like to take this opportunity to extend our sincere thanks to all those speakers and authors who contributed their latest research findings to the conference. Acknowledgment and thanks are also due to the conference editors, committee members, and reviewers for their hard work in making the conference such a success. Special thanks go to Conference Secretary Ms. Kelly Feng for her excellent offline/online support and facilitation.
Technical Committee Chair
Dr. Alexander Khotsianovsky
Associate Editor of Strength of Materials
Pisarenko Institute of Problems of Strength, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine