Automated vehicles are rapidly invading our everyday mobility reality. Systems of lower automation levels are already installed in many private cars’ models – some also at more advanced levels – while automated shuttles are in operation in several cities across Europe and beyond. Moreover, automation is also becoming a reality in several rail and maritime operations, along with drones’ applications. In this context, a crucial parameter for the success of such applications is the acceptance of users, either as passengers, drivers or operators of these vehicles, or as stakeholders in a decision-making position for the deployment of such vehicles. To achieve this, training is essential in order to make users accustomed to the new functionalities and operation modes, while making them aware of the benefits and gains resulting from the introduction of such technologies. Drive2theFuture Horizon 2020 project aims to prepare “drivers”, travelers and vehicle operators of the future to accept and use connected, cooperative and automated transport modes and the industry of these technologies to understand and meet their needs and wants. Among its other activities, an e-learning tool has been developed, including courses for all transport modes and for different user groups, with the aim to train the future users of automated mobility means. The tool is structured in a way that the user or the trainer can choose the desired course or group of courses and form a training session customized to their needs and purposes. Different means of visualization are offered, including texts, pictures, real life and simulator videos, etc. Moreover, quiz feature is included, to assess the user’s acquired knowledge after completing each course. The tool has been used and assessed in six pilot sites across Europe (Italy, Austria, Belgium, Germany and Denmark) addressing road, rail, maritime and air mobility. The contents of the training courses include Human Machine Interface (HMI), general knowledge on transport automation, conspicuity issues, in-vehicle and remote operation, safety and security issues and many more; moreover, they address not only private vehicle users but also operators of bus, train, vessel as well as drones. In this paper the development of the Drive2theFuture e-learning tool will be presented.