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Critical infrastructure, military or civil equipment, buildings, and Light Armored Vehicles (LAV) can be exposed to blast and ballistic loading during their lifetime. Such loads can cause large deformations and stresses within a very short period of time. For that purpose, it is necessary to examine and improve their response to these high-intensity and short-term loads. The analytical approaches are complex, the performance of large-scale experimental tests is extremely expensive since it involves a number of experts, special legal permits, and safety requirements which makes numerical analysis the most valuable examination tool. On the other side, a precise numerical analysis requires precise material properties, to describe the material behavior under various conditions. Before analyzing the response of structures under blast loads, the numerical model should be carefully validated first. This paper presents the validation results of the numerical model of small-scale explosion tests of charges laid on the ground or buried in the soil. The numerical results for time of arrival, maximum pressure, and specific impulse are compared with the experimental results showing a good correlation. The influence of depth of burial (DoB) on blast wave development and soil ejecta formation and loading parameters is investigated in detail.
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