This volume contains the accepted papers of the ICIMTH (International Conference on Informatics, Management, and Technology in Healthcare) for the year 2022, held in Athens, Greece, from 1–3 July 2022. The Scientific Programme Committee hereby presents the scientific outcomes of the ICIMTH 2022 Conference to the academic and professional Biomedical and Health Informatics community.
The ICIMTH 2022 Conference was the 20th Annual Conference in this series of scientific events, which attracts scientists working in the field of Biomedical and Health Informatics from all continents. This year, with the improvement in the pandemic situation as regards COVID-19 and the lifting of restrictions, the Conference was held as a live event. Virtual sessions by means of teleconferencing were, however, allowed for those who were unable to travel due to local restrictions in certain countries.
Data science, informatics, and technology inspire health professionals and informaticians to improve healthcare for the benefit of all patients, so the field of Biomedical and Health Informatics was examined from a very broad perspective at the Conference. Participants presented research and application outcomes of informatics from cell to populations, including several technologies such as imaging, sensors, biomedical equipment, and management and organisational aspects, including legal and social issues. As expected, a significant number of papers were still related to the COVID-19 pandemic. By the deadline, more than 230 submissions had been received from which, after review, 130 were accepted as full papers and 19 as short communication and poster papers.
The organisers would like to thank Dr. Spyros Zogas and Prof. John Mantas for the design of the book covers for the entire conference series. This year the cover commemorates the significance and contribution to medicine, nursing and healthcare of Asclepios, who introduced health institutions as a means of healthcare delivery in early antiquity; Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine; Galen, the most distinguished medical researcher of antiquity; Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing and health statistics; and George Papanikolaou, the pioneer physician, founder of cytopathology, and inventor of the Pap-test.
The Editors would like to thank the members of the Scientific Programme Committee, the Organising Committee, and all reviewers, who carried out the very professional, thorough and objective refereeing of the scientific work in order to achieve a high-quality publishing achievement for this successful scientific event.
Please note that these Proceedings are also published as an Open Access eBook, which allows e-access for ease of use and browsing without the loss of any of the advantages of indexing and citations, in the major scientific literature databases such as PubMed/Medline and Scopus which the series Studies in Health Technology and Informatics (HTI) of IOS Press provides.
Athens, 20.05.2022
The Editors,
John Mantas, Parisis Gallos, Emmanouil Zoulias, Arie Hasman, Mowafa S. Househ, Marianna Diomidous, Joseph Liaskos, and Martha Charalampidou