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Evaluation of Telehealth Service for COVID-19 Outpatients: A Dashboard to Measure Healthcare Quality and Safety
Ana Soledad Pedretti, Santiago Márquez Fosser, Roberto José Mercau Cossio, Jorge Ariel Esteban, Paz Rodriguez, Bernardo Julio Martinez, Santiago Andres Frid, Daniel Luna, Adriana Iannicelli, Fernando Plazzotta, Maria Florencia Grande Ratti
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, changes and improvements regarding the organization have been made to adapt quickly at the Emergency Department (ED) of the Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Argentina. This article describes the design, implementation, and use of an electronic dashboard which provided monitoring of patients discharged home, during follow-up with telehealth. It was useful to access essential information to organize and coordinate professional work and patients’ surveillance, providing highly relevant data in real-time as proxy variables for quality and safety during home isolation. The implemented tool innovated in the integration of technologies within a real context. The information management was crucial to optimize services and decision-making, as well to guarantee safety for healthcare workers and patients.
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