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Building an i2b2-Based Population Repository for COVID-19 Research
Miguel Pedrera-Jimenez, Noelia Garcia-Barrio, Gema Hernandez-Ibarburu, Blanca Baselga, Alvar Blanco, Fernando Calvo-Boyero, Alba Gutierrez-Sacristan, Víctor Quiros, Juan Luis Cruz-Bermudez, José Luis Bernal, Laura Meloni, David Perez-Rey, Matvey Palchuk, Isaac Kohane, Pablo Serrano
Reuse of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) for specific diseases such as COVID-19 requires data to be recorded and persisted according to international standards. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre (H12O) evolved its EHRs: it identified, modeled and standardized the concepts related to this new disease in an agile, flexible and staged way. Thus, data from more than 200,000 COVID-19 cases were extracted, transformed, and loaded into an i2b2 repository. This effort allowed H12O to share data with worldwide networks such as the TriNetX platform and the 4CE Consortium.
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