On this communication the work carried out in order to develop a new electrical powered wheelchair concept is described. The main objective is to develop a complete electric powered indoor-outdoor wheelchair, open and modular. Important innovations come from the mechatronic point of view and new technologies related to Ambient Intelligence. An special effort has been done to develop an indoor-outdoor wheelchair, solving the contrary characteristics that are for indoor use the small size (width-length) required to pass through doors, elevators, turn in reduced spaces and for the outdoor use the good stability, certain obstacles climbing capacity (kerbs mainly).This wheelchair includes a special system that allows the vertical movement of the seat from the driving position to higher positions, providing the user to have conversations at different heights, access to objects that placed higher than accessible from the driving position, access to counters, .. Besides this, the user can go down from the driving position to use standard tables, to eat or work at a more ergonomic posture, to take objects from the floor. The combination of this movements, gives the opportunity to make lateral transfers at different heights, reducing the risk and the physical effort of the user and/or the assistant. Security and safety issues have been carefully addressed in the design of the wheelchair. A security centred methodological approach is used to analyse risk situations. Adequate measures are also defined in order to optimise the design of the wheelchair. Apart from that, the wheelchair includes some safety related functionalities such as user fall detection, GPS localization and automatic emergency calls (to emergency services or relatives).In addition, a kerb assistive system and a collision avoidance system are also integrated to improve wheelchair manoeuvrability and navigational aspects. Finally, according to usability and comfort criteria, a voice control system is integrated in order to control secondary functions such as sitting position control, domotic control, etc.