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Worldwide human health and economic has been affected due to the ongoing pandemic of corona virus (COVID-19). The major COVID-19 challenges are prevention, monitoring and FDA approved vaccines. IOT and cloud computing play vital role in epidemic prevention and blocking COVID-19 transmission. Mostly lungs and hearts are affected. Other than lungs many parts are affected which are not considered as prominent conversational cue. In this paper, we have proposed smart system that is effective through detection of pancreas, kidney and intestine. It detects acute pancreatitis, protein leak, microscopic blood leak, post infectious dysmotility and gastrointestinal bleeding. The data from the edge devices are collected and mapped into the cloud layer. The cloud consists of COVID-19 patients medical records which compare the user data with the existing patient records. Once the data matches it sends warning message to the user regarding the result of affected parts. Based on the result from KPI system, it analyzes with all data and using deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) it classifies whether the pancreas, kidney and intestine are affected or not due to COVID-19.
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