The impact of Artificial Intelligence in the domain of Healthcare has been growing, day by day. These applications bring a drastic change in the healthcare system and affects our lives based in the change it brings to the Patientcare system, transforming the traditional way of handling sicknesses and diseases. Machine Learning algorithms that use data, have a big role in the AI based applications that are used in the Healthcare. Hence the Data source and the nature of Data holds an important role in developing effective AI based solutions for many health issues in the society. Data is available in all the hospitals and medical care facilities for many years now. However, without transforming them into a format where Machine Learning algorithms work, it is impossible to use them to develop an AI based application. In this research paper, we briefly discuss the process of developing an AI based application to predict Malaria, which is one of the most common vector borne diseases in the coastal districts of Karnataka. This pioneer work was done over the data collected from the clinical notes of a 1500 bed hospital situated in Mangalore. Few machine learning algorithms like Logistic regression, Support vector machine XGB Booster classifier, CAT Booster Classifier and Random forest classifier were used over the dataset. Our experimental study revealed that, Random Forest classifier works efficiently for this data set, compared with the other algorithms that we used. It gave the best accuracy of 90.92.