This paper reviews the principles that govern the combined transport of spin, heat, and charge, both from a macroscopic point of view (the Onsager relations) and microscopically (transport by spin-polarized electrons and magnons). The extensive thermodynamic quantity associated with spin transport is the magnetization; its Onsager-conjugate force is in general the derivative of the free energy with respect to the magnetization. The spin-angular momentum is uniquely associated with the magnetization, so that the words “spin” and “magnetization” are used interchangeably. Spins are carried in one of the following two ways: 1) by spin-polarized free electrons in magnetic metals and doped semiconductors, or 2) by spin waves (magnons) that reside on localized electrons on unfilled d- or f-shells of transition metal or rare-earth elements. The paper covers both cases in separate sections. In both cases, it is possible to define a spin chemical potential whose gradient is the more practical conjugate force to spin transport. The paper further describes the anomalous Hall, spin Hall, and inverse spin Hall effects in magnetic and non-magnetic solids with strong spin-orbit coupling because these effects are used to generate and measure spin fluxes. Spin transport across interfaces is described next, and includes spin pumping and spin transfer torque. The final section then puts all these concepts together to describe the spin-Seebeck, spin-Peltier, and magnon-drag effects, which exist in ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic, and even paramagnetic solids. Magnon-drag, in particular, is a high-temperature effect that boosts the thermopower of metals by an order of magnitude and that of semiconductors by a factor of 2 or 3 above the electronic diffusion thermopower. This is the only example where a spin-driven effect is larger than a charge-driven effect. Magnon drag leads a simple binary paramagnetic semiconductor, MnTe, to have zT ≥ 1 without any optimization. This shows how adding spin as an additional design parameter in thermoelectrics research is a new and promising approach toward the quest for high-zT materials.