This volume presents the proceedings of the EFMI Special Topic Conference 2020 organized in November 2020 as the first virtual EFMI conference. This conference focused on citizen centered aspects of health informatics. The conference invited papers particularly from the following topics:
Tools and technologies to support citizen centered digital services
Capacity building to enhance the development and use of digital services
Confidentiality, data integrity and data protection to guarantee trustworthy services
Citizen safety in digital services
Effectiveness and impacts of citizen digital and integrated health and social services
Evaluation approaches and methods for digital services
Usability, usefulness and user acceptance of digital services
Guidelines for successful implementation of digital services for citizen
This volume shows what kind of a collection of papers received the highest marks in the peer review process. The most popular track among the authors was the track Tools and technologies to support citizen centered digital services. The papers in this track cover a wide area of applications. Surprisingly, quite few authors addressed the second main theme of the conference, Citizens as data producers and service co-creators. This may indicate that the progress in this area is not yet as fast as expected. Usability was, however, addressed by several authors. Privacy and security are – and given the developing security threat landscape, will be an important topic, as well. Some of the papers are related to the COVID-19 epidemic – the phenomenon of year 2020.
The local organization committee which became a part of the scientific program committee (SPC), had representatives from the Finnish Social and Health Informatics Association, University of Eastern Finland, University of Turku and Tampere University. The other SPC members were representatives from the EFMI working groups Citizen and Health Data, Education, Assessment of Health Information Systems, and Security, Safety and Ethics. The SPC consisted of the following people: Jaime Delgado, Parisis Gallos, Maria Hägglund, Kristiina Häyrinen (vice chair), Ulla-Mari Kinnunen, Louise Pape-Haugaard, Laura-Maria Peltonen, Kaija Saranto, Philip Scott, and Alpo Värri (chair).
On behalf of the scientific program committee I would like to warmly thank all the authors who submitted their papers to the conference. Many thanks also to the reviewers whose voluntary work contributed to the quality of the conference, not forgetting the scientific program committee itself that put the whole conference together in its 20+ meetings and individual work.
Alpo Värri
Chair of Scientific Programme Committee
Tampere, October 2020