The 24th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (ENDE2019) was held on September 11 to 14, 2019 at the Longemont Hotels in Chengdu, China. The workshop was organized by the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) and co-organized by Southwest Jiaotong University and Sichuan University. A total of 146 registered participants from 15 countries worldwide in the field of nondestructive evaluation attended the workshop.
ENDE 2019 aims to bring together engineers and scientists active in the research, development, and industrial application of Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (ENDE). It provided participants with a fantastic opportunity to exchange ideas and update on the latest developments. This year’s technical sessions, poster competitions and special ENDE events focused on theoretical and applied research on ENDE methods. A total of 127 contributed technical presentations were organized into two poster sessions plus eight oral sessions covering topics on (i) QNDE and AI in ENDE and systems, (ii) ENDE sensors and numerical modelling, (iii) Analytical and numerical modelling, (iv) ENDE application, (v) ENDE application for high-speed railway, (vi) Material characterization, (vii) Inverse problems and signal processing. Through a range of technical and social activities, ENDE 2019 offered all the participants a unique opportunity to interact with the world’s leading experts in electromagnetic NDE from academia, industry, and government.
Prof. Guiyun Tian, the general chair of ENDE 2019, welcomed all the attendees to the workshop and provided introductory remarks to open the workshop. The technical program commenced with two keynote speeches: (i) “Electromagnetic NDE Techniques for Inspecting Composite Materials and Additively Manufactured Components” by Prof. Satish Udpa, IEEE fellow, Michigan State University, United States; (ii) “R&D of NDT Technologies for Nuclear Power Plant and Applications” by Prof. Yong Nie, Deputy Chief Engineer, China Nuclear Power Operation Technology Corporation Ltd., CNNC, China. Three distinguished speakers from eddy current nondestructive evaluation, healthcare, and flexible tactile sensors were invited to discuss challenges confronting them and the ways in which NDE can assist in addressing these issues. An invited talk entitled “Adaptive Cross Approximations for Eddy Current Nondestructive Evaluations” was given by Prof. Jiming Song from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA, introducing the formulation of eddy current problem using the Boundary Element Method (BEM). Another invited talk entitled “Translating Engineering to Healthcare” was given by Dr. James Avery from the Department of Surgery and Cancer, St Mary’s Hospital Imperial College, UK, discussing the electromagnetic sensing and imaging from a biomedical perspective, from tracking surgical tools, medical robotics, implantable sensors, neuroscience, tomographic imaging and spectroscopy; the third invited talk entitled “Flexible tactile sensors based on patterned nanostructures of graphene and 2D materials” was given by Prof. Pingan Hu from the School of Materials Science and Engineering Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), Harbin, China, presenting the development of highly sensitive and conformal pressures sensors for any curved surface using two dimensional (2D) nanomaterials.
The 24th book, following ENDE 2019, is proposed herein, as an Open Access publication on the IOS Press Ebooks platform, including 38 peer-reviewed extended contributions from the original 45 submissions. This suite of book covers recent studies concerning the progress and applications of Electromagnetic (EM) fields to nondestructively inspect, test, evaluate, and characterize materials and structures. More specific paper topics cover from micro-structural levels, such as correlating the magnetic properties of a material with its grain structure, to macroscopic ones, such as techniques for EM NDT&E and applications. Recent developments of emerging materials such as advanced EM sensors, multi-physics NDT&E, intelligent data management and maintaining the integrity of structures with material characterization, natural defects are included as well.
To conclude, the organizers would like to thank all members of the International Standing Committee, who provided much guidance and support through their successful ENDE experiences in past years. We also gratefully acknowledge the support of all reviewers of extended papers who have played a key role in the making of these proceedings, and Dr Yan Yan and Mr Kun Zeng for the help of editing this book. Lastly, we acknowledge the hard work of student volunteers, whose dedication and interactions with all ENDE participants ensured the smooth and successful operation of the ENDE2019 Workshop and the book preparation.
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Guiyun Tian
General Chair, ENDE 2019
Bin Gao