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These are advanced lecture notes covering recent developments in the methodology used to analyse galaxy surveys. The focus is particularly on direct measurements of the galaxy power spectrum although we also discuss its Fourier transform, the correlation function for comparison. These 2-point statistics, under the assumption that the overdensity field has Gaussian statistics on large scales, contain the majority of the cosmological signal available from the galaxy distribution. Recent developments in multipole measurements, dealing with systematics, convolving theoretical models with the survey window function, the approximation of covariance matrices, and weighting schemes for measuring evolution with redshift are considered. The focus is on analytic explanation of the issues involved rather than on recent analyses or simulation results. These notes only loosely follow the lectures I gave in Varenna, which were more wide ranging and contained more introductory material. However, I have in the not-too-distant past created lecture notes for an introductory course on galaxy survey analysis, and I did not want to duplicate those notes, but instead write something new for these proceedings.
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