This volume contains the accepted papers of the ICIMTH (International Conference on Informatics, Management, and Technology in Healthcare). The Scientific Programme Committee presents to the academic and professional community of Biomedical and Health Informatics the scientific outcomes of the ICIMTH 2020 Conference, which was held virtually from 3 to 5 July 2020 in Athens, Greece.
The ICIMTH 2020 Conference is the 18th Annual Conference in this series of scientific events, gathering scientists working in the field of Biomedical and Health Informatics from all continents.
This year the Conference was held as a Virtual Conference, by means of teleconferencing interactive platforms and equipment, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the consequent result of lockdown of most of the countries in the world.
The call for papers started early, from December 2019, when no sign of the new virus infection was evident. During the first appearance of the virus in China in mid-January, until mid-March when it first appeared in Italy, most papers submitted were on the usual topics as announced on the Call for Papers. Papers collected after mid-March until early May were mostly focused on the first results of the pandemic analysis with respect to informatics at different countries and with different perspectives of the spread of the virus and the influence on Public Health across the world. So, we are proud in these proceedings to have included papers on the topic of the COVID-19 pandemic in relation to Informatics reporting from different hospitals and institutions of the world from South Korea, to Europe, and the USA.
We are examining the field of Biomedical and Health Informatics in a very broad framework, presenting the research and application outcomes of Informatics from cell to populations, including a number of technologies such as Imaging, Sensors, and Biomedical Equipment and Management and Organisational aspects, including legal and social issues and setting research priorities in Health Informatics. Essentially, Data, Informatics, and Technology inspire health professionals and informaticians to improve healthcare for the benefit of patients.
It should be noted that the Proceedings are published as Open Access with e-access for ease of use and browsing without losing any of the advantages of indexing and citation in the biggest Scientific Literature Databases, such as Medline and Scopus, that the series of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics (SHTI) of IOS Press provides.
At the end of the deadline we had 160 submissions, from which after reviewing we have accepted 110 as papers to be included in the volume proceedings.
The Editors would like to thank the Members of the Scientific Programme Committee, the Organising Committee, and all Reviewers, who have performed a very professional, thorough and objective refereeing of the scientific work in order to achieve a high-quality publishing achievement for a successful scientific event.
Athens, 30.05.2020
The Editors,
John Mantas, Arie Hasman, Mowafa S. Househ, Parisis Gallos and Emmanouil Zoulias