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The Renal Health Instagram: An Analysis of Comments
Geraldo Bezerra da Silva Junior, Marjan Askari, Diovana Ximenes Cavalcante Dourado, Juliana Gomes Ramalho de Oliveira, José Eurico de Vasconcelos Filho
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a Public Health problem affecting a considerable number of patients worldwide. CKD treatment is complex and requires patients’ education. Based on this we have created technological tools, including an application for smartphones and a profile on Instagram (Renal Health) aiming to educate patients to self-monitor and cope with their disease, to increase adherence to treatment. In this study, we have analyzed the spontaneous feedbacks patients, and other people have posted on the Renal Health Instagram (comments) to investigate which information was needed the most by which types of patients. During the first 15 months since the release of this profile, there were 3380 followers, a total of 449 posts, with 36,079 “likes”. Most of the followers were patients and parents, they gave spontaneous testimonials of their experiences with having kidney disease, and were thankful for the information provided and for the response we gave to their questions. From the analysis of the comments, we found that information on nutrition, physical activities and kidney transplant were the most discussed and valued. Our results also showed that the main use of this medium for dialysis and transplant patients was to share their experience. The Renal Health Instagram was considered a good digital platform of trusted information for both patients and the general population and also a space for sharing experiences in the context of kidney disease epidemics.
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