This paper presents a 5D World Map System’s application for disaster-resilience monitoring as “Environmental AI System” of each player’s implementation of United Nation’s SDG 9 and DGS 11 from global-level to regional-level, country-level, sub-regional-level and city-level. In Asia-Pacific, disaster risk is outpacing disaster resilience. The gap between risk and resilience-building is growing in those countries with the least capacity to prepare for and respond to disasters. Using the Sensing-Processing-Actuation (SPA) functions of 5D World Map System, a disaster risk analysis can be conducted in multiple contexts, including regional, national, and sub-national. At the regional, national and subnational levels, the analysis will focus on identifying disaster risk hotspots through incorporating existing multi-hazard disaster risk and socio-economic risk information. The system will further be used to assess future risks through integration of global climate scenarios downscaled to the region as well as countries. This paper presents the design of two new actuation functions of 5D World Map System: (1) Short-term warning with prediction and push alert and (2) Long-term warning with context-dependent multidimensional visualization, and examines the applicability of these functions by indicating that (1) will support both resident and those who are working at the operational level by being customized to disaster risk analysis for each target region/country/area, and (2) assist both policy-makers and sectoral ministries in target countries to use the analysis for evidence-based policy formulation, planning and investment towards building disaster-resilient society.