The objective of the NATO Science for Peace and Security Workshop, Disaster, Diversity and Emergency Preparation, held in TÃÿnsberg, was to strengthen organizational leadership. One of NATO’s objectives is a better understanding of the human and social aspects of security-related issues. Spurred on by the inspiration created in 2014 in Brussels by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and the initiative of Mari Skåre, former NATO Secretary General’s Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security, this workshop firmly establishes the collaboration between Japan and other NATO countries on the topics of ‘Women, Peace and Security’ (WPS).
This book explores some highly interesting topics with regard to the way in which continued progress and change in institutional behaviors require an approach focused on altering the perspectives and enhancing the skill sets of leaders. The workshop entitled Leadership Development Programme on Gender and Diversity, Peace, Risk, Security and Emergency Preparedness and Collaboration, provided all participants with new and broader outlooks. It gave all participants, speakers and authors contributing to this proceedings an opportunity to ‘yield to a change in mindsets and behaviors in our institutions and promote awareness and positive changes’.
The scientific workshop proceedings consists of fourteen chapters, including a summarizing introductory chapter. Each chapter stands on its own, but is ordered within the framework of the Societal Programme Model (SPM) described in Chapter 1. The workshop allowed leaders and researchers to meet and discuss in confidentiality and to learn and build networks of leaders for change.
We would like to express our thanks to NATO in general, and to the Emerging Security Challenges Division and Ms. Randi L. Gebert in particular, for all the support and aid received in connection with this project. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Ms Turid Amundsen and Ms Anne-Britt Solberg KlevsjÃÿ for their valuable help and support.
Happy reading,
Horten 06.06.19
Leif Inge Magnussen
Associate professor (Co Director SPS Workshop)