On May 25th, 2018, European Union has launched the regulation called General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The enforcement expands to Non-EU countries that lead to the global impact in 2018. All business and IT sectors need to review and change their system regarding the personal user data processing to respect user privacy’s right. However, there is no study related to user’s action or feedback regarding data privacy or data protection. This research aims to analyse user’s behaviour and perception on personal data protection by using Twitter as a study platform. The population included in our study consists of 560,923 Internet users (61 nationalities), their engagement on Twitter are collect for 8 months starting from Jan 1st, 2018 to Aug 30th, 2018. We do data mining on social media to understand social perception or feedback on important issues. Information fusion from many enriched features of Twitter helps us to do societal analysis that is really useful for authorities or policy makers. We investigate various aspects and found many interesting discoveries regarding the user’s perception on their privacy rights in different regions of the world. Sentiment analysis is performed on the Twitter’s content to show how people in different regions feel about their rights. We visualize word clouds that represent the keyword in the text data from tweet messages to understand user’s opinions. Moreover, we explore the use of Twitter’s hashtags that reveal higher degree of conceptual on tweet message. User engagement is investigated in terms of Likes, Retweet and Reply. Many surprising results are obtained that help us to understand what happen around the world when the new paradigm of data privacy is shifted.