The International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence (CCIA) is an international event (now in its 22th edition) that serves as a meeting point not only for researchers in Artificial Intelligence based in the area of the Catalan speaking territories (south France, Catalonia, Valencia, Balearic Islands and Alghero in Italy), but also for researchers around the world.
The volume you have in your hands is a compilation of the articles that were presented in the 2019 edition that took place at the “Colònia de Sant Jordi” in Mallorca (Balearic Islands). Previous editions of the CCIA were in Tarragona (1998), Girona (1999), Vilanova i la Geltrú (2000), Barcelona (2001, 2004, 2014, 2016), Castelló de la Plana (2002), Mallorca (2003), L’Alguer (Italy) (2005), Perpinyà (France) (2006), Andorra (2007), Sant Martí d’Empúries (2008), Cardona (2009), L’Espluga de Francolí (2010), Lleida (2011), Alacant (2012), Vic (2013), València (2015), Deltebre (2017) and Roses (2018).
The CCIA embraces all areas of Artificial Intelligence including logics for AI, machine learning, autonomous agents and multi-agent systems, computer vision, image processing or recommender systems among others. All the articles in this volume have gone through a fully peer-review process performed by an international programme committee that certifies their quality.
We want to express our sincere gratitude to the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence (ACIA), the “Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB)”, the “Departament de Ciències Matemàtiques i Informàtica (UIB)”, the IIIA-CSIC, the SCOPIA Research Group, the “Govern Illes Balears (Conselleria de medi ambient, agricultura i pesca)” and the “Generalitat de Catalunya (Departament de Polítiques Digitals i Administració Pública)” for their support.
Colònia de Sant Jordi (Mallorca), October 2019
Jordi Sabater-Mir (IIIA-CSIC)
Vicenç Torra (Hamilton Institute, Maynooth University)
Isabel Aguiló (UIB)
Manuel González-Hidalgo (UIB)