Systems operated complex engineering structure (ES) constituting smart industrial or commercial product, prototype, or experimental configuration requires new way in model-based engineering. New style of engineering model system (EMS) is developed and applied in the course of continuous engineering to achieve system level, generic, and contextual model object structure which is in possession of self-modification capability to change itself for changed inside and outside context. Comprehensive software platform provides modeling capabilities during the whole innovation and life cycle of ES in industries engaged with smart products and production. Introducing work in engineering modeling for smart ES this paper focuses on the problem of multiple context driving of model object. The purpose of the reported work is to develop concept and methodology in intellectual driving structure for objects included in EMS and in cyber units of cyber physical systems. Paper starts with a scenario of multiple outside and inside context driving of object parameters and an outline of multiple context driven EMS. Following this, general process for managing contextual object structure of EMS which represents an ES is introduced. Main contributions in this paper are structured model of driving smart content (DSC) to drive objects in EMS and development of DSC as extension for EMS considering appropriate engineering platform. Finally, role of DSC and issues at its implementation are concluded considering the 3DEXPERIENCE platform by the company Dassault Systémes as cloud-based laboratory background at the Laboratory of Intelligent Engineering Systems, Óbuda University.