‘Research through innovation’ is the current demand echoing throughout the healthcare industry, healthcare institutions tend to invest heavily in technology. Data Science being the major disruptor across industries is being incepted through establishment of innovation and R&D centers within their respective organizations. Data Science has become a critical component for the healthcare industry, supporting innovative approaches towards advanced clinical practice, clinical research and corporate management, serving to build an intelligent enterprise. Every healthcare institution maintains a good number of technical staffs with IT, Software, data management, BI and analytical capabilities, aiding the institutions to manage report and publish its data in some or the other way, grossly covering most aspects of data science knowingly or unknowingly. Setting up a new entity within the organization by recruitment of staff with Data Science based skill sets would be the first thought to strike the management, which in contrast would end up as disaster when it comes to understanding the organizational culture, processes, infrastructure, platforms, data etc. Hence in order to setup a data science hub, regrouping or realigning some of the existing institutional resources is crucial. With this approach, the Data Science hub would carry out three primary functions. The “Project Management & Data Sourcing”, the “Data Management & General Analytics” and “Advanced Analytics”. Current resources can be reorganized within the first two functions, further; it would be about establishing an advanced analytics group within the hub which would perform the Machine learning and AI functions.