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S. Abend, M. Gersemann, H. Ahlers, M. Sahelgozin, J. Matthias, N. Grove, H. Heine, N. Gaaloul, W. Herr, C. Schubert, W. Ertmer, E.M. Rasel, M. Gebbe, H. Müntinga, C. Lämmerzahl, L. Timmen, J. Müller
We introduce two generations of quantum gravimeters using Bose-Einstein condensates generated in atom-chip–based set-ups. The first one is a prototype gravimeter implemented in QUANTUS-1, that allows us to demonstrate the first atom-chip–based gravity determination. The second device is a next generation quantum gravimeter QG-1, targeting sub-μGal uncertainties for mobile applications.
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