The book contains the post-proceedings of the 13th International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems, held on 1–4 July 2018 in Trakai, Lithuania. The Baltic DB&IS 2018 continued this series of biennial conferences, held in Trakai (1994), Tallinn (1996, 2002, 2008, 2014), Riga (1998, 2004, 2010, 2016), and Vilnius (2000, 2006, 2012). The conference was accompanied by a Conference Forum and Doctoral Consortium. Since the commencement of the first event, the Baltic DB&IS has proved itself to be an excellent forum for researchers, practitioners and PhD students to deliver and share their research in the field of advanced information systems, databases and related areas.
The conference was organized by the Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies of Vilnius University, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, and the Lithuanian Computer Society.
The International Programme Committee consisted of 91 members from 31 countries, and 69 submissions were received from 15 countries. Each paper was assigned for review to at least three referees from different countries. As a result, 24 regular papers were accepted for presentation at the conference. From the presented papers, 14 of the best-revised ones have been selected for this volume. In addition, we were also pleased to receive three invited papers written by leading experts.
The selected revised and extended papers present original research results in a number of subject areas: information systems, requirements and ontology engineering; advanced database systems; internet of things; big data analysis; cognitive computing; applications and case studies. We hope that these results will contribute to the further development of this fast-growing field.
We would like to thank all authors who submitted papers for this book, as well as all participants of the Baltic DB&IS 2018 Conference. Our special thanks go to the invited speakers Prof. Janis Grundspenkis, Prof. Inguna Skadiņa, Prof. Marlon Dumas, Prof. Marko Bajec, and Dr. Milan Zdravković.
We thank all the members of the Programme Committee and the Steering Committee, especially Prof. Albertas Caplinkas, for their valuable support, as well as the additional referees. We would also like to acknowledge our supporters and partners, Algoritmų Sistemos Ltd., the official development agency of the City of Vilnius “Go Vilnius”, and the IEEE, the IEEE Lithuanian Section. Without their cooperation we would never have achieved the success of this conference. Moreover, we would like to express our deep appreciation for the real help of the organizing team, especially Snieguolė Meškauskienė, Laima Paliulionienė and Jolanta Miliauskaitė, during the conference and its organization.
November 2018
Audrone Lupeikiene
Olegas Vasilecas
Gintautas Dzemyda