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Since robots cannot work, in the full sense of the term, humans cannot work together with robots. The so-called ‘cooperation’ with robots can take many forms for which we need a new description language. OASIS, the Ontology of Asymmetric Social Interactions, was developed with the goal of providing a simple yet sufficiently precise and discriminative classificatory framework for interactions where one interaction partner fails to possess the capacities required for human normative action and merely simulates such capacities. The framework shall facilitate the interdisciplinary integration of human-robot interaction research and more generally the development of an interdisciplinary theory of sociality. In OASIS five modes of simulations are distinguished and each human action is associated with a matrix listing the possible combinations of modes of simulations of the parts of the action. OASIS uses familiar distinctions in forms of collective intentionality to classify different kinds of coordinated and collaborative social interactions between humans and robots. Unlike extant work in social ontology, OASIS represents any one social interactions as a complex of interactions as viewed from (at least) three perspectives (first, second, and third person). The relationships between these component interactions can be used to formulate, with great precision, specific empirical hypotheses—for example, what is projected as human-robot teamwork in third person perspective, may be experienced in first person perspective as “working alongside” or even “working next to.”
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