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Concurrency is, in the literature, often used as a noun with a range of strengths: there is more or less concurrency; it is more or less limited; it may even be seen described as complete. In trying to discuss multi-threaded programming with programmers who state that they program single-threaded, it is important to communicate that they may program less concurrently, but probably not as non-concurrently as they believe. What are the factors that increase concurrency and which factors are orthogonal to the degree of concurrency? Does a Go language goroutine increase it and is a C++ object orthogonal? Will the CSP paradigm generally enable increased concurrency? Is the CSP paradigm of communication-with-synchronisation itself orthogonal to the degree of concurrency? It is also important to understand the term parallel slackness: does it introduce or enable more concurrency? And what about atomicity?
This fringe presentation aims to raise more questions that it is able to answer. However, some lines of reasoning are suggested. Finally: is it at all meaningful to raise the awareness of concurrent as an adjective?
Slides used in the presentation can be downloaded from [1].
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