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Model-Driven Development (MDD) – based on the concepts of model, meta-model and model transformation – is an approach to develop predictable and reliable software for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). The work presented here concerns a methodology to design simulation software based on MDD techniques, supporting the TERRA tool suite to describe and simulate process communication flows. TERRA is implemented using MDD techniques and Communicating Sequential Process algebra (CSP). Simulation support for TERRA helps the designer to understand the semantics of the designed model and, hence, to increase the probability of first-time-right software implementation. A new simulation meta-model is proposed, abstracting the simulation process of a TERRA model. With this new meta-model and our previously designed CSP meta-model, a simulation model can be transformed from its TERRA source. The Eclipse Modelling Framework (EMF) is used to implement the meta-model. The Eclipse Epsilon Framework includes the Epsilon Transformation Language (ETL) and the Epsilon Generation Language (EGL), used for modelto-model and model-to-text transformation. The simulation support is shown using an example, in which the generated trace text is shown as well. Further work is to implement an animation facility showing the trace text in the TERRA graphical model using colours.
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