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During disaster the communication behavior between society and crisis management authorities significantly changed due to technological evolutions and social media modernizations. The crowdsourcing and its platforms have gained importance for information exchange during and after disaster events. Social media and mobile apps are powerful and effective crowdsourcing platforms for collection of the data from various sources to collaborate and disseminate the processed information during emergency. However, data collection, integration and processing of unstructured data from diverse platforms, reliability and validity of data as well as privacy and security issues are the challenging part of crowdsourcing. The purpose of this study is to identify the various challenges through the systematic literature review during disaster management by using the crowdsourcing. Fifteen challenges have been highlighted and prioritized on the basis of their frequency of occurrence. Crowdsourcing has an important aspect of collecting and sharing of information during the disaster situation and aiming to reduce the disaster effects. It is recommended to address the identified crowdsourcing challenges for providing relief to affected community.
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