This work addresses the recent convergence of the Operational Technology (OT) and Information Technology (OT) with the utilization of wireless and telecom technologies that encouraging the Internet of Things (IoT). The highest peak of the IoT hype has strong predecessor technologies Machine-to-Machine (M2M), Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), & successor Web of Things (WoT) and Edge Computing (EC). The discussion is extended to the analysis of various hardware and platforms, microcontrollers, Single Board Computers (SBC), sensors and actuators for IoT applications. The analysis and design of alert based physical location monitoring system, which is extended with statistical based machine learning support for the predictive analytics. The primary intention is to design a generalized model which can be applied in any context. The recording of the data is necessary to trace not only from the sensors but also from other factors like mobile devices are used for smart objects. The use of Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) in the system is discussed as one of the methodologies for capturing the data from the smart objects. The experiences of preparation of the Raspberry Pi SBC for IoT based applications, connecting sensors, accepting readings from the sensors, and sending the data on the AWS IoT Cloud for the further processing is explored. The subscription and publication of MQTT messages, data notification through the email, SMS, stored in the AWS DynamoDB, AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS), and automation of cautionary actions are discussed. The text to speech conversion approach of the notification is discussed. The impact of the edge computation near to the source of the data and timely updates on the Cloud reduces the read-write transactions on the Cloud and reduces the billing amount charged by Cloud provider.The security of IoT applications in the various parts i.e. from devices to SBC, Microcontroller and pushing on the Cloud needs secure communication such as X.509, security certificates, and necessary security measures are discussed. The IoT is capturing the huge opportunities in the various sectors, the existing operational protocols, their interoperability, low energy wireless technologies are also taken into consideration.