The ENDE international workshop has been held every year since 1995. Its aim is to bring together engineers and scientists from universities, research institutions and industry active in the research, development and industrial application of Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation.
The 22nd edition of the workshop was held in CEA SACLAY DIGITEO LABS, Saclay, France, September 6–8, 2017. It was co-organized by the CEA LIST Institute and the Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes (L2S), with the sponsorship and support of the Digiteo-DigiCosme 2016 program, the University Paris-Saclay, the COFREND organization, and the JSM learned society. It was conducted under the co-chairpersonship of D. Lesselier (L2S) and C. Reboud (CEA LIST), assisted by a Scientific Committee and a Local Organizing Committee, under the auspices of the ENDE International Standing Committee chaired by Professor Zhenmao Chen, School of Aerospace, Xi'an Jiaotong University.
The ENDE topic is crucial to a great number of engineering activities, environmental evaluation and protection issues, and it is recognized for theoretical insight, efficient models and simulations, robust data interpretation, and proper instrumentation combined accordingly. A broad set of themes follows, including non-destructive testing and evaluation (NdT-NdE), static to THz electromagnetics, smart models and high-performance computations, advanced sensors, from design to usage, involving single- or multi-physics, inverse problems, imaging and signal processing in the context of uncertain and relatively scarce data, surrogate models, adaptive databases, model selection, and the qualification of uncertainty, multi-sensor data fusion, towards automatic approaches and decision making, complex material characterization from small to large scale, the monitoring and diagnosis of mechanical structures, and innovative industrial applications.
Ten oral sessions were organized at ENDE 2017during the two-and-a-half days of the workshop: high frequency applications I & II; instrumentation I and II; material characterization I & II; theory and modeling; eddy current testing; low frequency inversion; and time domain methods. Two poster sessions enabled very interesting discussions in a more informal fashion. A total of 114 participants were registered (from Europe, the United States and Canada, China, Korea, Japan, and Thailand), and 3 invited keynotes, 47 oral contributions and 43 poster contributions were given in all, short versions of all such contributions being published in the Workshop Digest.
The first keynote was entitled “Product Uniformity Control – A Research Collaboration of European Steel Industries to Non-Destructive Evaluation of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties” and was given by Frenk van den Berg, Principal Scientist at Tata Steel, R&D IJmuiden, Netherlands. The second keynote, “Intrinsic modeling and inversion of ultra wideband microwave radar data for nondestructive testing of soils and materials”, was given by Sébastien Lambot, Professor in Agricultural and Environmental Engineering at UCL & FNRS Scientist, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, and the third, “Numerical tools for the ultrasonic Non Destructive Testing of anisotropic plates”, was given by Sonia Fliss, Assistant Professor at ENSTA ParisTech, member of the Poems Laboratory (UMR 7231 CNRS-INRIA-ENSTA), Palaiseau, France.
On condition of being first authors and attending the workshop, students were proposed for the best presentation (oral or poster). The first prize went to Cesar Camerini for the communication he co-authored with João Marcos Rebello, Rafael Wagner Santos, João Marcio Santos, Tomasz Chady and Gabriela Pereira, entitled “Eddy Current System for Clad Pipe Inspection”. The second went to Takanori Matsumoto for the communication he co-authored with Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi, Gabor Vertesy, Hidehiko Kage and Gerd Dobmann, entitled “Nondestructive Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Cast Iron by Magnetic Incremental Permeability Method”, and the third prize went to Almpion Ratsakou for the communication he co-authored with Christophe Reboud, Anastassios Skarlatos and Dominique Lesselier, entitled “Fast Models Dedicated to the Simulation Of Eddy Current Thermography”.
In addition to an array of premier contributions, the 21 previous ENDE have been marked by edited peer-reviewed proceedings published by IOS Press as Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation, within the series Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics. The first (with the slightly different title of Non-Destructive Testing of Materials) appeared in 1995 under R. Collins, W.D. Dover, J.R. Bowler, and K. Miya. Twenty more followed. This suite of proceedings provides a unique perspective on the many challenges and advances of electromagnetic non-destructive evaluation, and adds significantly to the expert exchanges that have taken place at each workshop. The 22nd proceedings, following ENDE 2017, are proposed herein, as an Open Access publication on the IOS Press e-book platform, including 1 keynote and 34 peer-reviewed extended contributions.
To conclude, the organizers would like to thank all those Committees members who have tirelessly contributed to the workshop, and the many reviewers of the extended papers who have played a key role in the making of these proceedings.
Saclay, March, 2018
D. Lesselier, L2S
C. Reboud, CEA LIST